Chapter 50: Haircut (18+)

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A/N: Yep. Y'all see that little (18+) beside the chapter title. Y'all know what THAT means.

What, did you think i was finished? Naww. Lol.

Here you go!


"Hold still, I'm almost done!" Nightwing scolded as he finished wrapping bandages around Peter's burns.

Peter winced in pain as the final touches were being applied, bringing forth an intense burning sensation.

"Well it would help if you were a bit more gentle!" Peter winced. "What are you putting on it, vinegar?"

"Burn creme." Nightwing shrugged nonchalantly.

"Well it burns." Peter winced.

The other Titans all sat nearby on separate beds in the infirmary.

"Not his fault you're a big baby." Cyborg snickered.

"That's not fair- ouch!" Peter argued. "You have like five percent the amount of skin as a normal person."

"He HAS a point." Wally chimed in with a casual shrug.

"Alright alright. I'm done." Dick replied. "Better?"

Peter scoffed at that and shook his head with a roll of the eyes. "Define BETTER."

"As in, it hurts less than it did ten minutes ago." Dick shrugged.

"It's fine I guess." Peter sighed and looked off into space.

He kept seeing Slade marching toward him with flames all around him. He remembered seeing Raven with her uniform tattered, her hair magically twice as long, and her body covered in red demonic symbols. He was minutes too late; completely helpless to stop what happened. Helpless to save the woman he loved from being used for someone else's evil gain.

Dick noticed this and patted him on the back. "It's gonna be okay... We're gonna-"

"What? WHAT are we gonna do!?" Peter threw his hand up. "Cause I gave it my all and it did NOTHING!"

"We weren't prepared before." Dick argued. "But we will be next time."

"How can you be so optimistic?" Peter replied with a sigh.

"I hate to say it." Beastboy began. "But he's right. He TOTALLY kicked our butts."

"Yeah, man." Cyborg replied. "What the hell are WE supposed to do?"

There was a moment of silence and they all looked to their leader expectingly.

"I'm still working on that." Dick replied. "But I'm not giving up, because I have NO other option... and neither do you."

Peter hung his head at that and let out a defeated sigh. "I tried SO hard to keep this from happening... I just wanted her to live a normal life."

The others shared saddened looks and it was clear none of them knew what to say. Then, finally Dick spoke up again.

"You once told Raven that together... we're stronger." He said, looking Peter in the eye with a serious look. "Or was that just words to you?"

"No!" Peter shook his head. "But-"

"Look, no offense, Peter, but we don't have time for this defeatist attitude, okay?" Dick interrupted, much to everyone's surprise as they all gave him an awkward stare.

"Okay." Peter replied quickly.

"Okay." Dick said with a deep breath.

"Dick is most correct, friend Peter." Starfire added with a concerned look. "I do believe that friend Raven needs you now more than ever."

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