Chapter 52: What Happened To Raven?

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The Titans gathered in the crime lab, in front of the monitor. Dick and Kori stood at the very front, while the others sat by watching. Peter sat in the back with his arms folded, looking off into space.

The Titans leader pulled up a security camera, showing Raven and Peter entering the last room she was seen in.

"So far so good." Dick nodded, carefully studying the footage. "Nothing out of the ordinary, yet."

"You guys sure you checked the ENTIRE Tower?" Beastboy asked.

"Man, what do you think?" Cyborg deadpanned.

"I'm just saying." The green Titan replied. "It's a big place, even I get lost, still."

"Dude." Peter replied, causing Beastboy to look over his shoulder at him. "We checked. Why WOULDN'T we check everywhere first?"

"Right." he nodded. "My bad."

"Okay. Here's where YOU leave." Dick called out, not taking his eyes off the screen.

They watched as Raven went to the center of the room and began meditating.

"Do you think somebody has taken friend Raven?" Kori asked with a concerned look.

"That I don't know-" He paused with a confused look.

One second, Raven was meditating, then she looked down, and the screen went fuzzy.

"Of course we get TV static." Wally sighed.

"I guess it would be too easy if we didn't." Roy shrugged, then patted Peter on the shoulder. "We'll figure it out." Then the archer looked at the green Titan. "Beastboy, we have use for a green bloodhound."

BB smirked and quickly morphed into a bloodhound.

"Gimme something to sniff." He said.

Peter sighed and removed his necklace, before holding it out to Beastboy's nose. Then, after a few sniffs, the green hound began circling around the room, while sniffing along the floor. He kept going in circles faster and faster, until he collapsed onto the floor with a dizzy haze.

Beastboy changed back into a human. "I don't feel so good." He groaned.

"So, what the hell does THAT mean?" Peter asked with a huff.

"Guess that sniffer finally took a shit on ya, huh, BB?" Cyborg snickered.

"My sniffer sniffs just fine." He replied. "Her scent is just... masked somehow."

"Great." Peter shook his head. "Back to square one."

Dick gave a sad look, then glanced back at the screen as Kori replayed it once more. Then his eyes widened, when he spotted something.

"Hang on!" He said, squeezing past Kori, manning the controls.

The others watched with intent as Dick rewinded the footage again, then slowed it down. Finally he paused and zoomed in on Raven. That's when the others noticed it too; a black spot in the middle of her palm, which appeared just before the footage cut out.

"What IS that?" Cyborg asked with an offput tone.

"I have NO idea, but it DOESN'T look good." Dick shook his head. "Whatever happened to her..." He turned around and looked at Peter with a serious gaze. "I don't think she was TAKEN at all."

Peter's heart sank at that and he had to swallow the lump in his throat, fighting to make itself known.

He hung his head. "What do we do?" He said before burying his face in his hands with a defeated sigh.

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