Chapter 54: The End pt. 1

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Peter opened his eyes to an unfamiliar setting. Gone was the darkened cavern along with Slade, Raven, and the other Titans as well. In fact, the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes, were ceiling tiles and fluorescent lights hanging overhead.

He could've sworn he had stared at those same ceiling tiles for countless hours in school. However, he wasn't supposed to be in ANY school.

Which immediately clued him in on where he was.

He groaned as he sat up, fighting the heaviness in his entire body. Then he took a quick look around and noticed that he was in what looked like a regular empty library. The walls were beige and the shelves were made of wood. Yet, the entire place had been emptied, as if it was closed for the summer; or perhaps forever.

He picked himself up off the carpeted floor and panted as he tried to piece together what was going on.

Here he was, yet again.

Inside the Backrooms.

Did this mean that they really did fail?

Had the universe been destroyed, condemning him to continue walking through this limbo of non-being?

Had he really failed Raven?

He turned to keep looking at his surroundings for an exit, but all he saw was an exit sign hanging on a blank wall behind the checkout counter.

That was when he looked up and saw a larger sign in bold, black letters that read, The End Is Near...

'I think it's already here.' He thought to himself.

His eyes scanned the walls, searching for a door or a hallway. However, all he found was flat wall, with no exit to project himself to.

Disheartened, he turned around to search the other side of the room that stood behind him. When he did, what he saw made his stomach drop. This seemingly abandoned library seemed to continue on in the opposite direction. The room stretched so far, in fact, that Peter could actually see the curviture of a planet, cutting off his vision from the rest of the hall.

It was then that Peter finally understood why he was so terrified of this place. He had felt it only twice before, but never put too much thought to it. The first time was in the fourth grade, when he first learned about Black holes and saw a picture of one. It made him feel so small and insignificant, that for a split second he gave up on everything. A feeling of being so small and insignificant, that nothing he ever did would ever matter. Compared to the vast infinity of the universe, he was little more than a spec of dust on a slightly larger spec of dust. The existential crisis this triggered was only warded off by the scolding of his teacher and his need to finish his school work. The only time this happened after that was during the fight against Thanos.

Though, who wouldn't feel that way in such a scenario?

There was something different, still with his present.

Something more visceral in its presentation.

Beyond the dwarf-like feeling he often got from the Backrooms, there was the uncanny feeling that there was absolutely no designed purpose to this place. This place was designed, if at all, without humans in mind.

It was as if Doctor Strange's spell didn't just effect his native universe, but all of reality. Casting Peter into an endless limbo of nothingness that connects everything.

It wasn't just his universe that forgot Peter Parker.

EVERYTHING forgot Peter Parker.

As he stared down the endless corridor, he got the sense that if he started walking to try and find the other end, he could walk for the rest of eternity and NEVER reach the end. His heart raced with anticipation as he expected some monstrous abomination to come bounding toward him from beyond the curve at the end.

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