Chapter 34: Homecoming

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High in the sky, the Justice League jet soared over the country, the midnight moon glistening overhead as Batman flew Spider-Man back to Jump City.

Peter waited in the back, trying in vain to get some sleep and make the trip faster. However, every time he closed his eyes, he found it almost impossible to keep them closed. This only served to set him on edge even more. He couldn't remember the last time he slept, but he knew for sure it was more than three days, possibly even more than five.

Three days was usually when people would start to hallucinate. However, much to his surprise, that wasn't happening. Only a foggy haze in his vision as well as his mind. He was beginning to feel like he was on autopilot at this point. Somehow still going, but with no conceivable reason how.

Eventually, he couldn't take the waiting anymore and took off his seat belt, before climbing up to the copilot's chair beside Batman.

"Smooth ride." Peter said, as he dropped into the seat and threw on his seat belt. "This a manual?"

"What do you want?" Batman grumbled. As usual, the Dark Knight didn't seem game for small talk

"Nothing." Peter shrugged, leaning back in the chair. "Can't sleep, too bored. Tell me a bed time story?"

"No." Bruce replied.

"Sing a song?"

"No!" Batman snapped in a stern tone. "Just sit quietly and wait."

Peter let out a chuckle of amusement, however as his restlessness continued. He could've been doing something, ANYTHING. On top of that, being alone in the jet with Batman after their fight was rather awkward.

Finally he sighed again and looked over to the Bat. "So... what do YOU think about this whole Liminal Space thing? Not the league, just you."

Batman peered over at him for a moment, before returning his gaze to the sky in front of them.

"Whatever this place is..." He began. "Whatever it's purpose."

"If it HAS one." Peter inserted.

"Ultimately it got connected to us SOMEHOW." Bruce added. "Which means that there must be a way to disconnect it."

"Okay but... How?" Peter shrugged. "Everyone else seems stumped, we don't have much to go off of."

"But not NOTHING." Bruce retorted. "Theories and interpretations aside, we still have Cyborg's electromagnetic reading."

Peter nodded his head, "Well yeah, but... It wasn't exactly a clear reading. It honestly looked mangled beyond all belief. Kinda reminded me of a glitch in a video game. Like... Bethesda level glitching."

"So all we need to do... Is untangle it." Bruce replied.

"Untangle?" Peter replied in confusion, then his eyes widened and a terrifying chill ran up his spine. "W-wait wait wait. You don't seriously mean..." Bruce simply gave him a knowing look, but didn't say anything. "B-but that would create a permanent entrance into that place!"

"That's the idea." Bruce replied. "We may not know how to close the door, but we can at least stop it from growing in size. In turn preventing it from enveloping our entire planet."

Peters eyes widened and he rubbed the back of his head nearvously. "Yeeeeah. Hehe. Good point... W-Wouldn't want that to happen."

"That's where you come in." Bruce added with a knowing look.

Peter raised a brow at that. "Uhm... Y-yeah... I mean I'll have to read up on electromagnetism, but... Yeah yeah I got this. Totally got this." He nodded.

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