Chapter 19: Null Zone

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Peter and the Titans arrived the following morning at the Jump City ship yard. Its was early in the morning, though not any earlier than usual. However, Peter felt strangely tired on this particular morning, as if he hadn't slept all night. His head ached as well as his muscles on his entire body.

Still, he needed to push through just for today. He was determined to help his friends figure out about the mysterious Liminal Space he had slipped into. No matter how terrified he felt returning to the place of his very entry. His body was stiff as a statue as they all stood outside the rusted warehouse. He could swear he could feel his jet black costume pulling at his arms and legs to make him walk in the other direction. However, Peter chalked it all up to how petrified he was to be in this place again.

As the T-Car pulled up and Nightwing and Cyborg got out, followed by Roy and Beastboy, Peter felt himself get even more tense. For a moment his legs moved backwards, but with how tired he was, he couldn't tell if that was him doing that or not. Thankfully, Raven caught him by the sleeve soon after.

He looked back at her and she gave a reassuring nod. Peter groaned to himself and planted his feet as the other four joined them all right outside the warehouse.

"Alright, guys." Dick said as he stood in front of them all and looked at the warehouse. "This is different from anything we've dealt with before."

"You could say that again." Peter grumbled with his arms folded.

"Enough talk! I wanna check this place out!" Wally said excitedly. "Imagine how fast I could go with infinite space."

"Yeah, well save your excitement." Peter replied with a hiss. "It's not exactly a happy go lucky, fun place."

"He's right." Dick replied. "Based on what we know so far, it isn't guaranteed that you'll ever get out."

Wally gulped nearvously at that and nodded at their leader. "Right-right. W-Wouldnt want that to happen."

"This place feels... Strange." Raven said, staring at the rusted walls of the building.

"Indeed." Starfire said worriedly.

"Nobody go near that thing." Dick shook his head, then looked to Cyborg, who scanned the area with his wrist computer. "You got anything Cyborg?"

The robotic Titan gave an exasperated breath and nodded without taking his eyes off the scan. "Aw yeah. This whole place is filled with this really WEIRD kind of energy." He stepped closer to Peter and showed him the screen. "Look at this."

Peter looked at the screen and saw the warehouse in front of them, covered in a strange infrared cloud that appeared to glitch in real time, almost like a video game.

"That is so weird." Peter said to himself.

"What is it?" Dick and Roy asked in unison, before peering challengingly at each other.

"The electromagnetic frequency of this place is distorted beyond belief." Cyborg shook his head. "Completely unstable."

"It's almost like some sort of null zone." Peter said with a frightened shiver, then took a step back. "I'm NOT going in there."

"NOBODY is to go in there." Dick added with a nod. "We're gonna quarantine this whole area until we figure out what's happened."

"I don't understand." Beastboy shrugged as he picked up a rock. "What's so bad about going in there? Looks harmless to me."

"We can't have anybody- wait, don't!" Peter was interrupted, when the green Titan turned and threw the rock at the massive rusted doors on the front of the building.

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