Chapter 45: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

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The Titans stood at the back of the observation room. They waited in nervous anticipation as Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman stared down at the open threshold standing below. The yellow room gleaming amongst the darkened laboratory.

"I don't believe it." Wonder Woman said with a look of surprise.

"Everything seems to check out." Clark said with an impressed nod. "Looks like your machine works, Bruce."

Batman peered down at the open threshold for a moment in silence. The Titans waited for him to speak, the Bat impossible to read as always. Finally he looked back at Peter.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

Peter's eyes widened in surprise from the question. He looked off in thought. He was still shaken up from the symbiote and now even more so that he's looking at those monotonous yellow walls once more. Then he looked to his right and saw Raven there. There was still a lot to work out, but he at least had a fighting chance to fix things. That was enough for him.

He looked back to the Bat with a half smile. "Getting better."

Bruce nodded back at him with the slightest of knowing smiles, then looked back down at the threshold.

"According to my readings, the Null Zone has been contained to the threshold." He stated. "The next phase will be to study this space more directly."

"Are you sure it's wise to send people in there?" Wonder Woman asked.

"You're right." Batman nodded. "It's best if we go slowly so we can understand everything we can about this place first." He then turned around and faced the Titans. "We'll contact you with the exact details." He said, before walking up to Peter. "I must admit..." He said before extending his hand. "I AM impressed. If you're ever looking to hang up the mask, you'll have a job waiting for you."

Peter's eyes widened at that and at first he thought it was a trick. He looked at Nightwing, who simply gave him an encouraging nod.

"Thank you, sir." He said politely. "And... I'm-"

"I know, kid." Batman replied with a knowing nod. "We'll be in touch."

Peter watched as the League Members left the room, leaving the Titans alone.

"So...? Pizza anyone?!" Cyborg asked with an excited grin.

The Titans quickly returned to the tower after that, with their food waiting for them by a star struck delivery guy. After some arguing, Cyborg and Dick managed to convince Peter to spend just one more night in the infirmary, before he could go back to his own room. As quick as his body healed, Nightwing didn't want to take any chances.

So with that, Peter lied around on the hospital bed that night, tossing and turning, unable to get comfortable to sleep. His muscles still ached all over, and the memories from wearing the symbiote suit haunted every waking moment he spent by himself. After what felt like hours trying to sleep, he had started to get worried he would have to spend yet another night in recovery.

"Hey." A familiar voice came from the doorway and made his heart soar as soon as he heard it.

Peter immediately shot upright in the bed and looked at the source. His eyes lit up with excitement, when he looked and saw Raven standing there in the doorway.

"Raven!" He breathed out with a wide smile. As she walked closer to the bed he couldn't help but blush. "Uh... W-what are you doing here?"

"I can feel your frustration from across the tower." She shrugged as she sat down on the edge of the bed. "So I figured I'd come check on you."

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