Chapter 18: Over Again

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Peter reached his hand out and touched the reflective window as he stared up and down at his new all black suit. Questions immediately filled his head.

What happened to his suit? It was perfectly normal before he left the tower, but now it appeared as if someone had spilled ink all over it. He looked at the back of his hands and saw a white rectangle across the backs of his hands.

"I know I didn't forget laundry day." Peter said to himself as he tugged at the sleeve of his new suit, only to feel it shrink back to his form perfectly. "Not gonna lie, though. This IS pretty comfy."

He was astonished at just how comfortable he felt in the suit. Perfectly form fitting, not too loose or tight. His entire body felt like it was encased in one big pillow. His limbs felt lighter than ever, like he could easily carry any amount of weight he so desired.

"This feels... REALLY good!" He breathed out to himself with a chuckle.

Then suddenly he backflipped to the edge of the roof he stood up on, then pushed himself off the edge and flipped high over several city blocks.

"Holy shit!" He said to himself as he flipped over roof after roof, before finally webbing another skyscraper.

He swung deeply, running his hand along the street as he passed between the traffic. The momentum of his swing launched him over several more city blocks, with him flipping all the while with exhilaration.

"Woohoo!" He cried as he shot another web and launched himself over the city a third time.

He came to the end of a street and quickly webbed himself to the right and did a hard right turn, faster than he had ever swung. As he swung low to the street, he could hear the alarms turn on from all the parked cars he passed. He let go of the web and soared through the air again, before webbing himself to the tallest building in the city. He perched himself at the very top of the building and took his mask off.

"I guess the universe finally decided to cut me a break." He said to himself as he stared into the large, white eyes of the mask. Then he looked up at the sky with a smirk. "Thanks universe."

He lifted his mask up to put it back on. However, as soon as he moved his hands, he saw the mask dissolve in his hands, before absorbing back into his sleeves. He could feel the suit crawling its way back up his neck and over his face completely.

"Woah!" Peter breathed out, feeling the mask that covered his face once more. "You're saving me all SORTS of time, aren't you?" He chuckled, admiring the large white emblem across his chest. "What else can you do?"

He finally leapt from the sky scraper and swung back to the tower in minutes. He clung to the side of the tower against the window to his room and slid it open with his foot, before climbing back through. He shut the window behind himself and looked around his room to see that it was still empty.

"Still made it back in time." He said to himself with relief and went over to his dresser.

He looked in the mirror and suddenly saw the black suit crawl it's way back over his shoulders, revealing his red and blue suit underneath. Peter looked to the sleeves of his old suit with astonishment and quickly pulled the mask off, then the rest of the suit.

"I don't know what this is." He said to himself as he packed his suit away. "But I like it."

As he rummaged through his dresser for something to wear, he heard the text notification from his phone on the bed behind him. He immediately started towards the bed to grab it. However as soon as he took the first step, the black suit crawled its way back over his body and shot a thin black web that pulled the phone over to him.

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