Chapter 36: Somewhere I Belong

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It was night time at Titan's Tower. The news of Batman successfully retrieving Peter Parker has most of the Titans in a frenzy. Each of them wanted to go see Peter, but they seemed evenly opposed to each other as to whether or not they should go see him or wait for him to come to them. Dick, Starfire, and Cyborg wanted to go see him immediately. However Beastboy, Roy, and Wally seemed understandably cautious about the matter. Based on what Batman said, the last thing anybody wanted was to overwhelm him and cause his supposed condition to worsten. The Titans, however, couldn't help but feel the longing to see their friend and make sure he was okay.

So much needed to be said, and none of them got the chance to say any of it.

Meanwhile, the person who wanted to see him the most was still locked away in her room. It had been nearly a week since Raven left her room, and at this point, they weren't expecting her to come out soon. After the first few days, Dick ended up breaking in just to make sure she didn't run away too, much to her dismay afterwards. Even though he knew the risk he faced, he couldn't bear the thought of losing two teammates in one week.

Now, however, they knew the situation with her. She wanted to be alone, just as she did before Peter showed up, maybe even more so. They were slowly beginning to accept that this was perhaps the new normal.

What they did not know, was that she was no longer alone. She had just discovered that the contents of the book she was reading contained the spirit of the book's main hero, who had been trapped inside.

She tried in vain to break his curse, but to no avail. However, much to her surprise, Malchior didn't seem to mind. Instead he expressed a keen interest in talking with her. At first she considered throwing the book away. However, he quickly proved to be a kind, intelligent, and poised being. A true gentleman, she would dare say. After a short conversation, she didn't quite mind talking with the book.

Compared to the high energy of the others, it was rather refreshing.

"Stink Ball? You're joking." Malchior laughed as Raven had the book propped up on the bedside beside her.

Raven nodded her head at that, "They wanted me to referee."

"Smashing." The book replied dryly, "You must be the luckiest girl in the world." Raven didn't want to laugh, but couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle at the comment, "And this Beast Boy sounds like an absolute genius."

"That's funny." She said with a surprised grin. Surprised that a book could be better company that she had ever expected, "You're funny."

"And you're the best thing that's happened to me in a thousand years." Malchior replied with a saddened tone.

Raven was surprised at that. "Seriously? I TOLD you about my powers. If I were you I'd ask to leave..." He gaze lowered at that. "Like everyone else does."

"Certainly not." He scoffed, "You are dark, and darkness is often misunderstood." Raven looked back to the book after that, "But I feel like I understand you."

Raven blushed at that and she couldn't help but let out the slightest of smiles, "I feel that way, too." Then she looked to the floor, her mind flashed to Peter. These were the kind of things he often said to her. Hearing it again felt strange, when it wasn't coming from him. "This is too much." She shook her head. "I'm sorry... I should get some sleep."

"Of course." Malchior replied graciously. "But... Are you okay?"

Raven gave a slight nod. "I'm fine, it's just..." She sighed, not wanting to talk about her reason. "It's complicated."

"I will not pry." He replied. "It has been most lovely speaking with you today, Raven."

She smiled again at that. Talking hadn't sounded very nice to her since Peter left. She wasn't expecting it, but this was the first time it wasn't agonizing since he left.

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