Chapter 38: Prototype Alpha

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"Alright, guys." Cyborg said as he hooked himself up to the computer of Bruce Wayne's new lab. "Moment of truth."

Peter and Batman stood on each side of the robotic Titan as they overlooked the lab from the observation deck that had been built. The facility had been finished early that morning with three stories and many rooms and hallways. The facility did not require so much space, but Bruce made sure to have the building disguised to throw off any wandering eyes from criminals.

Cyborg looked at Peter, who nervously anticipated the test, eyeing his attempt at making an arc reactor, that was hooked up to the prototype for their machine. It looked like an empty doorway made of metal, with lots of wires and components hooked up to the outsides.

Before Cyborg could begin the door to the observation room opened and Dick, Starfire, and Beastboy entered.

"Yo dudes! Not to fear, help has arrived!" Beastboy called out.

"The best way YOU can help." Batman began. "Is to not touch ANYTHING."

All of the Titans laughed at that except Beastboy.

"He's got a point, man." Cyborg chuckled.

"I wasn't gonna touch anything." BB argued.

"SURE you weren't." Dick replied with a roll of the eyes. "Any results?"

Peter shook his head with his arms folded. "Haven't gotten a chance to try."

"Okay. Recording." Batman said as he turned on the cameras in the lab. "This is Batman, initiating Prototype Alpha for the Liminal Space Gateway. With me, we have co-engineer, Spider-Man. Cyborg running diagnostics. Initiating Arc reactor test, in three... Two... One."

Suddenly Batman pushed a button and slowly began twisting a knob on the control panel. They watched in anticipation as they saw the faintest of glows appear on the arc reactor.

"Come on, come on, come on." Peter said to himself as Batman twisted the knob a little further and the glow grew stronger and a faint hum could be heard emanating from it.

"We're at twenty five percent power." Cyborg called out. "Readings are stable."

Batman slowly twisted the knob a little further and the glow grew with it.

"It IS quite pretty." Starfire said, with her eyes locked on the light blue glow that grew with each twist of the knob.

"Hope it's doesn't blow up." Dick mumbled nearvously.

"Hey." Peter scoffed. "It's ME we're talking about."

"Exactly." Dick snickered in a teasing manner.

"Fifty percent power!" Cyborg called out. Pulse is steady. Readings still stable."

"Okay." Batman called out. "I'm gonna continue on to seventy five percent."

"Uh... This glass if thick enough, right?" Beastboy nearvously stammered.

"Guys." Peter replied. "Give me a LITTLE faith here, damn."

"Is it supposed to be making that sound?" Starfire whispered.

"Yep." Peter nodded.

"Seventy-five percent." Cyborg called out. "Still stable."

"Okay." Batman nodded as the glow grew even brighter than before, casting the lab in its light blue glow. "We're gonna try and get to one hundred percent power. Cyborg, ready the kill switch, just in case."

"Ready when you are." Cyborg nodded.

"Please work." Peter whispered to himself as Batman slowly twisted the knob, getting closer and closer to the end, with the glow and hum growing more and more. "Please work, please work, please work."

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