Chapter 21: Symbiote

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Starfire and Beastboy took cover behind the wreckage of a car as bursts of pink energy blasted the surroundings. On the other side of the street Jinx, Mammoth, and Red X stood. Mammoth hurled cars their way, causing the Titans to have to move from cover to cover, dodging the explosives thrown by Red X.

"Did he even answer?!" Beastboy shouted.

"Yes!" Starfire shouted in a panic. "He had his suit on!"

"Well he sure is taking his sweet time with it!" Beastboy shouted back, trying to find an opportunity to counter attacks, but they were far too pinned down. "Should we call Raven instead? Or Dick?!"

"I do not know!" She shouted back in a panic.

"This is the day we get even, Titans!" Jinx shouted.

"All of us!" Red X added with a sinister peer through his mask, before throwing a large X at them, which blew up the car they hid behind on impact, blowing them both out of their cover. "One Titan at a time!"

"Screw waiting for that asshole!" Beastboy shouted as he pulled out his communicator. "I'm calling Cyborg!"

Mammoth picked up a nearby truck and lifted it high above his head. Red X stuck another X to the truck, before the massive villain hurled it at them. They scrambled to run away as the truck got dangerously close. Then the truck was pulled back toward the villain's, following a faint thwipping sound. They both fell to the street and gasped in shock as the villain's dove out of the way, barely dodging the explosion. Then finally, Spider-Man landed on top of a light post directly over the villain's who lied below.
Jinx's eyes widened as he stared silently down at her, peering through the white lenses of his black mask.

"S-SPIDER-MAN!" She stammered nervously as she scrambled to her feet. "You may have stopped Slade from coming after me, but that changes absolutely NOTHING between me and the Titans!"

Spider-Man still said nothing in response, then turned his head and peered at Mammoth, then Red X.

The masked villain clenched his fists and looked up at him. "We have unfinished business as well!"

Again, the typically light hearted hero remained silent, instead he peered threateningly down at them.

"What's the matter?" Jinx replied. "Can't think of any clever JOKES?! I guess you're finally taking me SERIOUSLY!!" she shouted as she sent a powerful pink blast up at him.

Spider-Man flipped off the light post faster than any of them could see and swung from the light post, before launching himself into Jinx with a flying side kick, that knocked her out immediately. He quickly webbed her to the street and backflipped into the air as Mammoth picked up another car. Whilst Spider-Man was in the air, Red X threw an X shaped projectile at him. However the black suited hero webbed the projectile and threw it back at him, trapping the mysterious villain in his own trap. However, Spider-Man wasn't fast enough to dodge the car Mammoth threw at him.  He immediately stuck to the car in the air and webbed the street with two strands. Then with immense strength, Spider-Man pulled himself and the car back toward Mammoth with great speed, exploding on impact. The villain stumbled as he began to lose consciousness. However, Spider-Man quickly slid beneath him and lifted the towering unconscious villain over his head and stood over Red X with a threatening gaze. The villain's eyes widened as Spider-Man prepared to crush Red X with Mammoth's unconscious body.

Suddenly he was knocked back by a massive, green T-Rex. Spider-Man flipped in midair and nimbly landed on his feet and squared off against the dinosaur.

"Dude, enough!" Beastboy shouted. "They're down!"

"Please, friend!" Starfire pleaded worriedly. "This is not you!"

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