Chapter 37: Sinister Spider-Man

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The Teen Titans arrived at the scene of a crime late that night. Almost all of them had mobilized to respond to a report of a person wreaking havoc downtown. Neither the police, nor the civilians could get close enough to see who or what it was. All they knew was that the person responsible was seen throwing cars at the police.

The scene of the chaos found the Titans on a short, narrow road in the middle of the city, offering good cover for the villain with the skyscrapers on both sides. The police had the street blocked on both sides, with half of the police cruisers and swat vehicles lying in fiery ruin.

All of the Titans arrived at once, other than Nightwing, who was on business with Batman, and Raven who still holed up in her room.

"Anybody got eyes on him?" Roy asked, taking aim toward the center of the road, where a stack of cars stood giving the suspects good cover.

"Not me." Cyborg replied, zooming in to see who was behind the stack.

"I cannot see them." Starfire replied.

"The police haven't been able to get any ground on him." Roy said. "So we should expect some trouble." He looked to Wally. "We're gonna try to draw them out. YOU get the jump on him, so I need you fast... VERY fast."

"That." Wally began as he fixed his goggles onto his eyes. "I can do."

"Okay." Roy nodded to the other Titans as he fixed an arrow to his bow. "On me."

After that, he and the other Titans rose from their cover. Roy, Starfire, and Cyborg took aim at the stack of cars. Roy fired an explosive arrow on the street near the entrance of the stack. After that, Starfire and Cyborg blasted through the stack, knocking both of them over. Suddenly, from out of the smoke, an orange projectile was slung through the air, before wrapping around Beastboy's body, rendering him immobile.

"Beastboy!" Roy called out, before being ensnared in one himself.

Before he noticed what had happened, Wally had already zipped on ahead in the blink of an eye. He ran through the destruction toward the suspect. Then, the next thing any of the other Titans heard was a painful groan of Wally, before his body, completely ensnared, was thrown through the air.

"Kid Flash!" Starfire gasped.

"Oh nah, that's it!" Cyborg shouted as he vaulted over the police cars and ran toward the suspect with Starfire by his side.

Suddenly, they paused with their jaws agape at the sight of their enemy.

Red and blue tights.

It was Spider-Man.

"Spider-Man?" Starfire gasped.

"Yo! What are you doin, man?!" Cyborg shouted.

Spider-Man stepped out of the wreckage before stopping a few feet in front of them.

"Sorry guys." Spider-Man shrugged. His voice sounded similar, but slightly deeper than normal. "But someone gave me an offer I couldn't refuse."

Moments earlier, Peter and Dick arrived back at Titans Tower. Peter landed beside Dick on his motorcycle and looked up at the darkened tower above him. A mix of relief, nostalgia, and melancholy filled him as he has he anticipated the conversation to come. He wondered what the others thought of him at this point.

"Home sweet home." Dick said with a grin as they entered the elevator to the tower.

Seeing the futuristic interior of the tower gave him a great sense of relief, despite his relative anxiety.

Once they exited the elevator and came face to face with the living room, which had the lights off and nobody inside. Dick flipped on the light switch and looked around.

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