Chapter 8: Get Away From Everything...

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Raven sat alone in her and Peter's room. Her knees propping her book up as she attempted to take the quiet time to read. Though she found herself being stuck on the same page at certain points, having to reread it several times. Her mind, constantly wandering to Peter. It had been ten months since their first date, and in a few more months, they'd have been together a whole year.

A whole year...

Being in love...

She never thought that she would ever have anything like it, being the daughter of Satan and all. Let alone make it last very long. To her it all still felt new, with time seemingly breezing by in his arms. Every time she brought herself to remember how long it had been made her smile a bit brighter each time, and she would need to remind herself to take a breath and calm down.

Although with each day that passed, the less she wanted to. Peter's smile and his kind words warmed her soul like nothing she had ever felt. It didn't matter if they were sharing a silence or if he was chatting her ear off. She always felt safe and normal with him around.

As she stared off into space, still deep in thought, she was suddenly interrupted when Peter walked in, still wrapped in a towel, his brown curls still damp. Beads of water trickled down his rippling muscles as he headed towards the dresser.

He looked over to her as he opened the dresser and flashed her a wink. "Hey!" He chimed as he put on a fresh pair of boxers and jeans.

Raven's eyes lingered along his slender waist, causing her to clutch her book a bit tighter with want. "Hey." She said, burying her face behind her book to hide her blushing trying to regain her composure.

Peter smirked as he pulled on a black T-shirt and picked out a red button up to go over it with the buttons down. "Something on your mind, little birdie?" He joked.

Raven pursed her lips at that and shook her head. "Nope.' she replied bluntly, trying to hold back her smile. "Not here. I'd hate to make it too obvious."

Peter chuckled and gave a shrug as he sat down on the other end of the bed. "There's always a little." He wiggled his fingers jokingly at that, "a little silencing spell."

"And sadly." She met his eyes with a smirk. "Nothing to prevent all the damage."

"Right." Peter chuckled. "And to think that's gentle for you."

"Exactly." She replied with a nod. "Now you're getting it."

"I try." He shrugged. "So." He continued. "I talked to Dick and he said there's pretty much nowhere in Gotham where we won't end up fighting crime at night." He then leaned forward with a wide smile. "So I was thinking, maybe for our date we do something a little quieter than usual."

"We're usually pretty quiet." She replied with a slight chuckle and closed her book. "What did you have in mind?"

Peter grinned widely at that and pressed his finger to his lips. "It's a surprise, Rae-Rae. And even though you don't like surprises." He added, causing her to give a slight smirk in response. "I plan on being the first on that you DO."

Raven rolled her eyes with an amused smirk at that and folded her arms. "You hugged me, cuddled me, kissed me, AND slept with me in more ways than one..." She leaned in, staring blankly into his eyes with an amused smile. "You've already done that PLENTY."

"What can I say? It's my favorite past time." He shrugged with a chuckle, before leaning back to peek out the window. "And we should get going soon before the sun sets."

Raven nodded and stood up from the bed and went over to the dresser. "Setting the mood, huh, Spider?"

Peter gave a sarcastic scoff at that as she took off her uniform and began changing into a pair of dark tight jeans. "How'd you know?"

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