Chapter 30: Just A Burning Memory

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Batman's Log

December twenty-first, two thousand three. Gotham City.

Seven o'clock PM.

I just received a call from Dick in Jump City.

Peter Parker is missing again.

Only, this time he left on his own accord.

Not good...

As informed as the Titans may be, I do not think Parker is aware of how dangerous this is for him. Not only are the League of Shadows after him, but also countless other villains here in Gotham.

The news of Spider-Man being alone in Gotham has made the villain's frantic. More of them have taken to the streets, practically over night. Capable and informed as the wall crawler may be, there is more than enough trouble waiting for him in this city.

On top of that, we have Parker himself...

According to Dick, he has been acting strange lately. Reclusive, and short tempered even amongst his friends. In the days following his jump into the liminal space, Parker's behavior has changed drastically. Nearly taking the lives of not only several villains, but also the life of his own team mate as well.

Garfield Logan, aka Beastboy.

It would seem that my worries about the effects on Parker's mind have come to pass quicker than expected.

It's worse than I thought.

The going theory from Zatanna and her associate about the Liminal Space, is that the place exists outside of reality itself. Which could prove disastrous for us all.

The Manhunter examined nearly every memory from Parker's mind all the way back to when he first got bitten by that Radioactive Spider. Then, he subsequently showed these memories to me as well. It seems clear how this all happened to not only Peter, but also the fifty other people who came here with him.

According to his world's sorcerer supreme, named Wong. The spell used to erase the memories of Parker's identity travels the border between known and unknown reality. Then it all went wrong.


It would seem that Wong's worst fears have come true.

Although Doctor Strange managed to prevent the multiverse from collapsing on his own universe, this still seemed to cause a sort of glitch in reality.

My hypothesis is that THIS is the cause for the Liminal Space being opened. Parker's presence here, seems to have simply connected us to this place as well.

If this is the case, then it would seem I was correct about Spider-Man's presence here being a danger. However, I do believe it is too late for sending him back to help us at all.

The ineffable has arrived.

The door is opened.

Now the only question is, how do we close that door?

However, before we can figure any of that out. We need our prime subject.

Peter Parker.

Not only is his keen intellect invaluable to this case, but also his experience in this place.

Out of the nearly fifty people who came here, Peter was the one who spent the most time here. What he does not know, was that he left a trail so that he wouldn't get lost.

As futile as this effort was, it DID serve as a beacon for all the others. Scared and alone, they followed the only familiar thing they could find.

Evidence of Spider-Man.

Like moths to a flame, they followed Parker into our world.

As of the time of writing this, I still have yet to catch the Spider.

Though I am closing in on him fast.

Alfred said he needed my help with something... But what?

I decided to start with Parker's last known location... The Bat cave.

After watching the security footage, I was able to find out where he was going next.

The iceberg lounge.

It would seem that the Spider has taken it upon himself to seek out the criminals of this city himself. He would be the second person in a week who's taken that mission. Hopefully, Parker is using a different method than the other person.

Frank Castle.

The iceberg lounge.

That will be my next destination.

I'll leave Jason at home for this one.

Lord only knows what I am about to witness.


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