Chapter 14: Penny and Dime

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Nightwing and Wally met on the street, between the Sleeping Shark and the last place they had seen their suspect.

"You see anything?" He asked in confusion.

Wally shrugged at that. "Yeah. I got nothing."

Dick nodded at that, then pressed his finger to his ear piece. "Spidey, you got anything?"


Dick and Wally furrowed their brows and shared puzzled looks as they waited a few more seconds.

"Nightwing to Spider-Man, you there?" Nightwing asked again, pacing in place.

Still, only silence filled the air waves in response. Nightwing's stomach dropped at that and he immediately started marching down the sidewalk.

"Not good." Dick replied.

Wally marched after the Titan's leader. "What's going on? Did he ditch us?"

"No, that's not like him." Dick replied with a stern gaze as he looked around for any signs of Peter.

He stopped at the end of the road, looking in each direction for anything.

A web.

A sign of a struggle or a fight.

But still nothing.

"Dammit!" Dick cursed to himself, frantically thinking of possibilities as to what may have happened to him.

"What do we do?" Wally asked, looking almost as worried as Dick.

"We have to call it in and start a search party." Dick replied with an uneasy sigh, then looked to Wally with a fist held out. "Rock, Paper, Scissors for who has to tell Raven."

"What?!" Wally gasped in fear. "I'm not doing that! You're the leader, you do it!"

"Come on." Dick insisted, holding his eye contact to let him know he was serious.

Wally groaned and held out his fist. Then they both shook their fists three times and Wally ended up being the winner.

"Ugh! Thank God!" Wally said with a sigh of relief.

"Great." Dick groaned, before pulling out his communicator and sending an alert to all of the Titans. "Titans! We have a situation! Meet me in the crime lab immediately!" Dick let out a sigh after that and looked at Wally.

"I'm sure she'll take it well." Wally replied with an uneasy shrug.

"Whatever you say." Dick replied with a shake of the head. "Might as well get it over with."

Meanwhile, Peter awakened with a groan to an unfamiliar setting. In front of him, stood a darkened room with a few lights illuminating a few tables that were loaded with hand guns, rifles, and explosives with various other gear sitting around. Along the wall across from him stood a small desktop computer.

Peter instinctively pushed himself to try and stand up, only to find himself unable to move. He looked down to see a thick cables wrapped around his torso and legs, attached to a small glowing device. Peter strained with all his might, however, his efforts to break out of the material was useless, despite his immense strength.

"Wow, that is some QUALITY stuff." Peter said to himself.

Suddenly, he heard the faint sounds of footsteps approaching behind him.

"You weren't supposed to wake up for a few more hours." Came a familiar, deep male voice from behind him.

"Show yourself!" Peter shouted, still trying to break free.

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