Chapter 1: X

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On a clear moonlit night, Jump City stood on the shore overlooking the ocean. The sky lit up with stars and the streets below lined with Christmas decorations.

The holiday season had just started.

As the peaceful civilians went about their days, not all corners of the city were so carefree. On this particular night, many stores across the city had been attacked and ransacked for their goods by an unknown individual.

One of those stores, a high end jewelry store had it's windows blown out and everything of value in the entire building was now gone. The owner stood by with stress and angst as the police surveyed the scene.

"If I may, officers." The voice of a male teen suddenly came through the blown out windows. The owner of the shop looked up with a hopeful gasp to see none other than Nightwing standing before him clad in his all black suit with a blue bird logo stretching across the chest and upper back. He was fair skinned and dark haired and only wore a small black mask over his eyes to hide his identity. "I'd like the room."

The other officers looked to their chief standing closely, who promptly gave them a nod and they all left Nightwing alone with the owner. The black clad Titan slowly walked across the glass, surveying the scene. He noticed that all of the security cameras had been destroyed by a sharp object, leaving small punctures through the lenses.

"Thank God you're here, Nightwing!" The owner said with relief. "They took everything! I have nothing left! Not a penny!"

Nightwing gave the man a sideways smirk and looked right at him as he examined the precise holes in the glass display cases.

"Be thankful you still have your neck." Nightwing replied, before turning to face the owner. "Were you here when this happened?"

The owner quickly shook his head at that. "No. I was at home when the silent alarm went off."

"Hmm." Nightwing nodded, scanning the ground for clues. "This guy's good... Didn't leave anything behind. Not even the cameras."

The owners eyes lit up at that. "Ooh! I just remembered! He didn't get all of them!" The owner proudly trotted over to a nearby wall and pointed at a tiny black speck embedded in the wall. "Secret camera!"

Nightwing quickly walked over to the wall and pulled out his communicator and began pressing buttons on it, while the owner anxiously watched him work.

"Pairing new device." A female robotic voice said from the speaker.

"Woah!" The owner leaned over curiously. "What is that thing?"

"Back up." Nightwing ordered, causing the man to stiffen up immediately. Before he knew it, the security feed from the security camera appeared on the screen of his yellow communicator in black and white.

Nightwing watched the screen as a dark figure ascended from the ceiling in a rope. He squinted to try and see the figure as it wrapped up the rope and began carefully slicing a hole through each of the glass display cases with great speed and skill. In a few short minutes, the figure had stolen every piece of jewelry and slowly made his way to the front window. Then the figure attached a small device to the window and paused underneath the skylight and looked at a small piece of paper.

Nightwing paused the feed and immediately zoomed in on the paper, before flipping the image so he could read the words bleeding through the small paper.

"Pier forty." He said under his breath, before promptly disconnecting from the feed. "Got it."

"Did you figure out where he is?!" The owner asked eagerly.

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