Chapter 31: Spider Hunt

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The Batmobile came to a stop in front of the Iceberg Lounge. Thunder clapped overhead as rain poured down all across the city. Batman looked out the window and peered suspiciously at the appearance of the lounge.

The place looked like it was attacked by some sort of monster.

The front walls were blown out, revealing the colorful flashing strobe lights inside. However, oddly enough there wasn't a single person inside who wasn't unconscious. Typically at this time of night, the place would be bustling with Gotham's seedy underbelly. However, it appeared as if there was some sort of massacre that took place.

Only no bullet holes.

No flames.

No blood.

No deaths.

It looked like the aftermath of Batman himself going after the penguin. However, such a thing did not happen.

Batman opened the top of the Batmobile and climbed out onto the rainy street outside. He walked up to the gaping hole in the wall and the rubble that stood outside. Several of Penguin's thugs lied unconscious. One of them appearing as if he was blown through the double doors that used to be the entrance.

Batman looked inside and a long the entrance hallway, he could see several thugs webbed to the walls on each side. One completely cocooned in webs, dangling from the ceiling.


Batman slowly walked inside, stepping around each knocked out thug as he did.

No signs of hemorrhaging.

He knelt down and activated a tiny flashlight that extended from his wrist. He grabbed one of the thugs by the head and peeled their eye open.

Their eyes dilated correctly on both sides.

No clear sign of concussion.

Ferocious as it seemed, it appeared that Spider-Man had grown into an exceptionally skilled fighter. The only question was, why would he come here?

Was he simply trying to pick a fight?

Batman peered suspiciously into the club as the strobe lights continued to flash overhead, however no music could be heard.

As he entered the main club room, he looked to his immediate right and saw a thug webbed to the wall, his eyes wide open and filled with terror. Then Batman looked straight up and saw another one webbed spread eagle across the ceiling, once again wide awake and terrified.

Batman looked out across the club and saw the main bar stretched across the other side of the room. There wasn't a single bottle of alcohol left that hadn't been shattered by the bodies of thugs that were thrown into it. Many of which draped over the bar.

To the right, stood the dance floor, littered with a pile of unconscious thugs. In the middle of the floor, six thugs dangled upside down by one leg, surrounding the disco ball that hung in the middle. In front of the dance floor stood the remains of the DJ booth, with one thug having been thrown through it.

Batman looked to his left and saw a spiral staircase that lead to an upper floor that overlooked the dance floor. He quickly brandished his grappling hook and zipped up to the second floor. There he saw two halves of a pool table lying on opposite sides of the room on top of several thugs. Sicking out of the wall was one of the big speakers that once hung around the dance floor, but clearly had been thrown at the thugs on the second floor.

Batman looked to the left and saw a small doorway with one thug's head sticking through it. Batman turned the knob and opened the door, watching the thug swing with it, dangling from the hole in the door. With a light shove, he pulled the thug from the door and watched him drop onto the floor.

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