Chapter 16: From Whence It Came

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The sun shined bright over Jump City one crisp Winter morning. Although the streets were decorated in traditional Christmas lights, Peter was still caught off guard from the relative lack of snow that fell over city. However, he couldn't deny that it was a welcome change compared to his previous holiday season.

No cold
No hunger
No loneliness

Instead he enjoyed a warm and cozy holiday season, surrounded by his friends out in the California sunshine. Despite the holiday season running in full swing, he and the Titans were busy as ever solving multiple crimes per day. They would typically be more minor crimes compared to what they were used to.

Bank robberies
Gang wars.

The usual stuff.

On this particular day, Peter was on patrol on the south end of the city, while Wally took the north end. Even though there was no ice or snow, the icy wind was still troublesome enough for Peter to need to bundle up, so he wore the red and black leather jacket Raven made for him for his birthday over his suit, which was a surprisingly comfortable combination.

Peter swung himself over the shipyard, between the massive cranes, looking below for any suspicious activity as the workers kept busy as usual. As he neared the other side of the area, he stopped swinging and landed atop one of the cranes. Near the water, he could see a white windowless van parked outside a rusted warehouse that looked like it hadn't so much as been entered in years.

"I don't know. Kinda sus." Peter said to himself, before dropping off the crane and swinging himself across the yard onto the roof of the warehouse.

He crawled along the wall upside down and peered through the window to scope out the scene. Inside, he could see two groups of five men. One of the groups dressed in all leather biker outfits, while the other dressed in clean and professional looking suits. Between the two men, stood a single wooden crate that was about five feet long and went up to their waists.

"Just as ordered." One of the men in suits stepped up to the box and patted his hand on the lid. "This should keep you boys afloat."

He said, before pulling the lid off and revealing a stack of high tech laser rifles inside.

"Beautiful." One of the bikers said with a sinister grin, then leached out to try and grab one of the weapons.

Suddenly, the man in the suit shut the lid with a snap and shook his head. "If you boys wanna board this life raft, then you'd better pay for the tickets first."

The bikers all gave the businessmen threatening looks, which were promptly returned by the other men.

"Fine." The Bikers leader finally replied with a sigh, then nodded to one of his men. "A deal's a deal."

"Seriously?" Came a chipper voice from above their heads. All ten of the men immediately looked up to the ceiling with a gasp, trying to see where the voice came from. "A warehouse? That's like a NON-criminal's idea of a meetup spot."

The men in suits immediately reached into their suit jackets and armed themselves with laser pistols. The bikers reached into the box one by one and armed themselves with the rifles they had just bought.

"Where is he?" One of them shouted in a panic.

Suddenly Peter jumped down from the rafters, landing right between the two groups of men in a crouching position. Before they could act, Peter pressed a button on his web shooters, causing two magnetic webs to glow bright blue over the thugs heads, which ripped the weapons from their hands and stuck them to the ceiling.

"Okay be honest." Peter said with his arms folded. One of the bikers gritted his teeth and charged at Peter with a right hook. However, Peter's Spider Sense tingled in time for him to step slightly to his right and trip the biker with ease. "Did you get the warehouse idea from a movie?"

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