Chapter 3: Trouble In Metropolis?

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The Titans all gathered around a large rectangular cube made of ballistic glass with Cyborg and Peter's weapon sitting on a table inside of it. On the other side of the table stood Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman, who all stared back at the Titans with disapproving looks.

"So what you're saying." Batman began with a stern tone. "Is that you all stopped a man from purchasing a volatile and highly illegal rare substance..." Peter and Cyborg gave each other nervous and guilty looks. "And rather than turn it into the authorities. You two decided to make a weapon out of it?!"

"No." Peter replied, pointing to Cyborg. "That was his idea."

Cyborg gasped at that. "What?! You helped me!"

"I just wanted to see if we could stabilize it!" Peter argued incredulously. "You know so the AUTHORITIES won't be in so much danger when THEY'RE handling it!"

"Whatever the reason." Wonder Woman replied. "That was VERY irresponsible of you two."

"I know." Peter replied, hanging his head shamefully. "We're really sorry."

"Yeah. For real." Cyborg nodded.

"We were hoping you guys could help us figure out a way to deal with this?" Dick asked with a shrug. "I mean the tower has a few holding cells we could store it in, but I figured it'd be best to keep it from falling into the wrong hands."

"I don't think you fully understand the gravity of the situation either, Dick." The Bat replied. "If this weapon is as powerful as you say. Then even in the right hands it would be too dangerous."

"How so?" Dick replied.

"The kick back from such a blast would be enough to kill any one of you." Batman explained.

The Titans all looked shocked at that with their jaws agape.

"Oh man." Beastboy chuckled, giving Peter and Cyborg a teasing nudge. "You two are SO dead."

The two of them deadpanned at that, but kept listening.

"Perhaps this weapon could be of use to us." Aquaman argued with a shrug. "We have many chambers in my home that could house such force."

"You're from Atlantis?" Peter asked, gaining a simple nod from the king of the Atlantians. "Yeah. That things already under enough pressure. I don't think sticking it on the bottom of the ocean is gonna help matters much."

"We have several ways to contain it on Themyscira." Wonder Woman replied. "As well as the hall of justice."

"I think." Superman inserted. "Nightwing is right. It's best if this thing is destroyed so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands."

"Any suggestions?" Wonder Woman replied.

"Send it into space and destroy it myself I'm afraid." Superman shrugged, before noting Peter's worried look with a chuckle. "Don't worry kid, I've taken bigger blasts before."

The man of steel looked to Batman, who gave him a simple nod. Then he turned back to Peter and Cyborg.

"Did you two ever come up with a name for this thing?" Clark asked.

Peter and Cyborg shared puzzled looks at that and shrugged. "Uh..." Cyborg began.

Peter thought about it as well. "The um... Gravitational Beam... Emitter. Yeah yeah." He nodded to himself. "The Gravitational Beam Emitter."

"Haven't I heard of that before?" Beastboy asked, gaining a nudge in the side from Peter.

"Well it was impressive work, boys." Superman nodded as he lifted the weapon from the glass case. "But it's time to say goodbye."

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