Chapter 10: Hello, My Name Is Spider-Man

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Peter, Raven, and Dick stood behind Batman inside the Batcave. The massive monitor stood before them with an image of the Justice League standing around their table at the hall of justice pulled up on the screen.

"Here's the situation." Batman said, before tapping a button, allowing an image of Brother Blood and Allen Leigh to appear on the screen. "Approximately one year ago, the hero known as Spider-Man was sent across the multiverse along with at least forty-four other people. How and why they were sent here still remains a mystery. However." He paused and pulled up a slideshow, with many images of dark and barren spaces on them, all of which were uncomfortably familiar to Peter. "One thing remains consistent with all of them. They went through another alternate reality in order to get here."

"Are these all images from this place?" Wonder Woman asked with concern

"No." Batman replied. "We've created a simulation of these spaces, based off what we've seen."

"So what do we know about this place?" Green Lantern asked curiously.

"Based on the information we've gathered so far." Batman began. "The place does not obey typical laws of physics or time."

"How do we know?" Wonder Woman asked again.

Batman gestured to Peter standing behind him. "Martian Manhunter examined over fifty thousand hours of memories from him, along with everyone else from his universe. So they all would have starved to death if this wasn't the case."

"Sooo, maybe the creepy mind thing was wrong this time?" The Flash shrugged, glancing to the Martian sitting across from him.

"The information was confirmed by Brother Blood." Batman replied simply.

"So, do you think this time disjunction has anything to do with the subjects' rampant amnesia?" The Martian asked.

"It would appear so." Batman replied, "However, as some of you may know, that isn't the only symptom the subjects have been showing." Then he expanded the image of Allen Leigh in the straight jacket so the League could see better on their end. "This is Allen Leigh. In his world he seemed to be an employee for a government division, known as the Department Of Damage Control. After his time in this universe, Leigh started showing symptoms of Delusional Paranoia, Severe Anxiety and Depression, as well as many symptoms of psychosis. It would seem that this is also a result of the space itself."

"Yeah uh, me again." The Flash interrupted with his hand up. "So what do we call these places? Cause, ya know." He shrugged. "There's like three different dimensions we're talking about here and it's kiiinda getting confusing."

"For now we will refer to Spider-Man's universe as Earth A." Batman replied. "And ours as Earth B."

Flash nodded his head at that. "Simple and to the point as always, Bats. I like it!" He smirked.

"And what of the third?" Wonder Woman asked.

"I believe the proper term to refer to it as is the Liminal Space." Batman replied.

Peter raised his hand after that. "I've sorta just been calling it The Rooms." He shrugged. "Since, ya know. That's... kinda all there is to look at."

Green Arrow smirked and nodded his head to Flash. "Even simpler." The speedster smirked and nodded back. "We like that one better!" Green Arrow replied.

Batman grimaced at the screen. "Fine... Can we return to the point at hand now?"

Flash hend his hands up at that and rheeled back. "Sorry. Just needed clarification is all."

"Right then." Batman nodded. "Along with the mental symptoms to people exposed to The Rooms, according to Brother Blood, there actually ARE things living in there... Monstrous creatures, he said." Then the Bat looked once more to Martian Manhunter. "Have you observed such things?"

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