Chapter 15: Look! Up In The Sky!

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Raven woke up in the middle of the night that night. The feeling of Peter's empty side of the bed forced her awake in confusion.

Perhaps he had gotten up for a late night snack.

She lied there for a bit, expecting him to return any minute and she would curl up to him and go back to sleep soon after. However, much to her dismay, he never showed.

Raven sat up in her bed once more with a huff. She left her room and went straight to the kitchen to find him, however, Peter wasn't there.

Maybe he was back to training when he couldn't sleep.

Raven, went to the training room next, but the room was dark and empty, with no signs of Peter anywhere.

She went to the lab next and still nothing.

The library, nothing.

Eventually she found herself passing by the crime lab and saw Dick standing in front of the large monitor with Batman's face pulled up. Raven quietly stepped into the room to listen from the doorway.

"I've received your file on Castle." Bruce said on the screen.

"If this guy's pattern is anything to go off of." Dick said with a shrug.

"Which it certainly seems to be." Bruce added.

"Then I'm sure you'll be seeing plenty of him REAL soon." Dick replied.

"I'll be ready for him." Bruce replied with a nod. "Thank you for the Intel. I'll be in touch."

"Later." Dick said, before closing the chat with Batman.

"I didn't think you'd still be talking with him." Raven said with a sarcastic smirk.

Dick quickly spun around with a start. "Raven. Didn't see you there."

"I was just passing by." She shrugged. "The Bat seem concerned about Castle?"

"Definitely." Dick nodded with a chuckle. "We spent like two hours going over all his villains and why the Punisher would go after them."

"My money's on either Two-Face or Joker." She shrugged.

"Or Bruce himself." Dick shrugged with an exasperated sigh. "I don't know... But Bruce has this handled. So Castle will be behind bars soon." Then he looked back at Raven with a confused look. "What are YOU doing up anyway?"

Raven threw her hand up with a sigh at that. "Just looking for Peter."

"Ah, I gotcha." Dick replied with a snicker. "Cuddle time."

Raven peered at him in annoyance. "Shut it." She hissed.

Dick chuckled at that. "Did you check the training room?"

Raven simply nodded in response. "Kitchen, library, the lab. I couldn't find him anywhere."

"Huh." He replied. "You need me to help you look for him?"

Raven sighed at that as she pondered where else he might have been. "No. I don't think so. Let me just text him and see if he replied."

"Alright." Dick nodded as they both left the room. "Well I'm gonna hit the hay, then. Let me know if you need my help."

"I will." Raven nodded as they both went opposite ways down the hall. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it." Dick replied with a wave. "Night!" He called as he rounded the nearest corner.

Raven sighed and pulled out her phone and started texting Peter.

"Hey." She texted him as she walked down the hallway past the other Titan's rooms. "Where are you?"

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