Chapter 4: Wayne Manor

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Peter, Raven, and Dick flew the jet to the nearby city of Gotham. Despite how close it was to the bright and sunshiny Metropolis, Gotham was just how Peter remembered it. Dark, gloomy, rainy, and riddled with danger seemingly at every corner.

Raven looked to Peter with concern as his eyes frantically looked along the streets below as they flew overhead. She could feel how overwhelmed he was quickly becoming as his Spider Sense tingled up both of their spines. Raven had no choice, but to take a deep breath and block Peter out for now to keep herself from getting overwhelmed too and potentially lose control of her powers.

"Are you okay?" She asked flatly.

"Yeah." He breathed out shakily, trying to peel his eyes away from the streets below. "Just a lot of information at once, you know?"

"You can feel them all, can't you?" Dick replied from the pilot seat in the front cockpit.

Peter gave a quick nod at that. "Oh yeah."

"Just try to breathe, okay." Raven replied.

Peter glanced at her as her soft, soothing voice eased him into steady breaths as she often did during meditation. As usual her advance was able to help him calm down and somewhat ignore his spider Sense that seemed to be telling him about every little danger that was present. Every fight, every burglary, every theft, no matter how petty and small. It was as if the city itself brought forth a sense of danger to it.

"Yeah, it's a mess." Dick replied as they soared to the outskirts of the city and came upon a large mansion on the edge of a large open field overlooking a cliff with a waterfall going over the edge into the forest below. "Needless to say it's a full time job for the Bat."

"He does all that by himself?!" Peter gasped.

"No. He has his army of birds, remember?" Dick replied with a smirk as he flew over the mansion and lowered the jet down in front of the waterfall.

"I still say that makes no sense." Peter shrugged with his arms folded. Raven did her best to hold back her snickering. "Like if you're gonna set a theme. Set a theme. What's his theme, flying? Oh wait! You guys can't even do that!" He chuckled, noting Nightwings annoyed eye roll as they slowly brought the jet through the waterfall, revealing a massive open cave on the other side.

Peter looked over the edge of the jet, down at the cave with wonder. The cave was a massive cavern with many titanium platforms that housed various equipment including vehicles, weapons, and many different uniforms all belonging to Batman. At the front of the cave stood a massive computer monitor, where Batman stood with a map of the earth pulled up on the screen, many red dots littered the various countries on the screen.

Nightwing landed the jet in an empty landing pad and the Titans jet slowly died down. As they exited the cockpits they were immediately met by Batman with a much older gentleman in a black tuxedo with white balding hair and a thin mustache.

"Woah!" Peter breathed out, staring toward the ceiling of the cave, then pointed. "Are those REAL bats?"

"No, they're just for decoration." Raven replied flatly, with a straight expression on her face.

Peter squinted back at her for a few moments. "I can't tell if you're being serious or not."

"That's right where I like you, bug boy." She replied with a sly smirk.

Batman and the other gentleman slowly approached them as Dick exited the cockpit of the jet.

"Hey Al." Dick waved. "How you been?"

"Quite well, Master Grayson." The older man replied. "And yourself?"

"Not too bad." Dick shrugged, then turned to Peter. "Peter, Raven this is Alfred."

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