Chapter 2: Mad Idiots

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Nightwing entered Cyborg's lab with caution one evening. He looked around with confusion to see that some of the surroundings had changed. A large wall of ballistic glass stood between him and the center of the room. He looked up to see Peter and Cyborg standing at a computer monitor near the center of the room. In front of them stood a large box made of ballistic glass. Inside two sets of robotic arms stood on each side of a table with the small vial of Zynothium fastened upright on the table top.

"Hey guys!" Nightwing said, making his presence known.

Peter and Cyborg gasped with shock at that and immediately took their hands away from the computer.

"Ssh!" They both said in unison.

Dick chuckled at that and shook his head, leaning in to get a closer look. "What?! I was just saying hey."

"Well you still gotta ssh!" Cyborg replied with an exasperated sigh.

"Sorry." Peter replied with a nervous chuckle. "It's just a very delicate process. We can't afford any screw ups."

"Then maybe we should've just turned the thing in to the authorities?" Dick replied with his arms folded. "If it's puts us and the tower in danger I'm not so sure if I approve."

"I know, I know." Peter replied, stepping away from the monitor and standing on the other side of the glass. He took the small slide with a single miniscule drop of the substance on it and placed it in a small container that fit in his pocket. "I just figured if there's a way to make this stuff NOT as dangerous, it would be worth checking out."

"Still, it's risky." Dick shook his head. "How would you even go about doing that?"

"Well, were still studying the destructive capacity of this stuff." Peter shrugged. "Though it's a slow process, as you can expect." Then he pointed to the center of the room as Cyborg moved the robotic arms inside the box, to pick up two halves of a cube like contraption. "What we've decided to do is create an electromagnetic device, that combines with the force of gravity to keep the element from spontaneously combusting." Peter explained with a whisper as Cyborg moved both halves of the cube closer, Nightwing looked at Peter, his jaw hung open in shock. "With that, we should be able to concentrate the energy into a single beam."

"Holy shit, you guys really ARE figuring it out." Nightwing replied with shock.

"We still haven't figured out how to get it to power anything, though." Peter replied. "That's gonna take a bit more research."

Suddenly the cube clicked together around the vial and the glass windows along each face of the cube began to glow bright.

"We have a steady pulse!" Cyborg replied, before pumping his fists into the air. Peter turned around with excitement and they both gave each other a high five. "Booyah!" They both said in unison.

"Well I've gotta hand it to you." Dick replied with an amused shrug. "You two really are mad geniuses."

"You know it!" Cyborg pointed to Nightwing, still celebrating. "And now, we get to see what this stuff can REALLY do." He said, walking over to another table which held various mechanical parts on the table. "As soon as I assemble this thing, it'll be ready to fire!"

"But not AT anyone!" Peter insisted.

"What?!" Cyborg replied with shock. "Then whats the point of making it?!"

"That was your idea!" Peter argued with an amused chuckle. "I just wanted to stabilize it."

Cyborg deadpanned at that. "Can I at least shoot it asa few targets then?"

"As long as it doesn't have a heartbeat." Peter shrugged, before he stopped and quickly pulled out his phone in shock. "Oh shit!"

Dick blinked with confusion as Peter quickly left the lab and started out the door. "What is it?"

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