Chapter 11: It Came From Nothing

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"They're back!" Starfire cheered, flying quickly through the living room of Titans Tower. Cyborg, Beastboy, Speedy, and Kid Flash all lounged on the couch and snapped their heads around in confusion as the alien girl zipped through the room. "They're back! They're back! They're back!"

"Who?" Beastboy asked as they four of them followed Starfire down the stairs.

"What's up, Star?" Cyborg asked as they all chased after her.

"I think she means THEM them." Roy replied with a shrug.

"Ooh, I'll see!" Wally said, before zooming ahead of them to the hangar, beating Starfire in the process.

The alien girl pushed Wally to the ground in her excitement as she finally reached the hangar, while the other three arrived soon after. Before them stood the Titans jet with Dick, Raven, and Peter standing outside it. Starfire squealed excitedly, before zipping over to them and picking all three of them up at once in a tight hug.

"Yay!" She said excitedly as she nearly crushed them in her hug from her immense strength. "My friends are back!"

"Oh my gosh!" Peter strained. "You're gonna kill us one day, Star." Then he smirked over at Dick. "Though I'm sure Grayson won't mind."

Dick deadpanned at Peter as Starfire set them down.

"I am most overjoyed that you are all back!" Starfire chimed.

"Yeah..." Raven sighed with a timid shrug. "It's kinda nice to be back."

"I take it you didn't let these two burn the place down?" Dick asked Roy, while gesturing to Beastboy and Cyborg.

Speedy shrugged at that. "Of course not. I actually know how to keep them docile, unlike you." He teased, granting an eye roll from Dick in response.

"Good to see you too." Dick replied timidly. "Let's all talk upstairs."

Wally turned to Peter and held out his hand. "We've never met. Wally West. Kid Flash."

Peter smiled kindly, back at him and shook his hand. "Peter Parker. Spider-Man."

The red headed Speedster nodded back at him with a smirk, before zipping on ahead of the group up the stairs at lightning speed.

The others all nodded and started following Dick back up the stairs. Beastboy and Cyborg hung back, walking by Peter and Raven.

"Hey, mama." Beastboy smirked. "How was the trip?"

"Don't EVER call me that." She grumbled in response, already annoyed with the green Titan.

"Yeah, trust me, dude." Peter smirked as he slipped his mask off. "I've tried."

"Soooo?" Cyborg asked. "Did you kick some serious bad guy butt or what?"

"Eh." Peter shrugged. "Only like one. There honestly wasn't all THAT much excitement." Then he smirked over to Raven. "So I had to make my own fun, right Mama?"

Raven groaned and shook her head at that. "Oh God, not you too."

Peter and Beastboy laughed together as she continued on ahead of them. "Don't go, Mama!" They both said in unison, causing her to groan again.

"You guys are idiots." She grumbled, causing the three of them to laugh even harder.

After that, they all went all the way up to the living room and all sat down, while Nightwing explained the situation to them. They were all shocked and disturbed by the news.

"Woah." Wally breathed out. "This is BIG... And I don't just mean literally."

"Those poor people!" Starfire said worriedly, then floated over to Peter and felt his forehead. "Are you feeling the alright?"

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