Chapter 40: Skewer The Winged Beast!

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Peter returned to the tower and stormed down to the training room. After the battle with Kardiak, and seeing Raven's newfound power, he still felt pent up. Wherever her new power came from, it was clear that it was dangerous, and that she didn't know enough about it. Combine that with her new so-called friend, Malchior, and Peter was livid.

'She could've killed that little girl!' he thought to himself. 'What was she thinking?'

'We should give her a piece of our mind.' the voice in his head growled.

Peter sighed at that and shook his head. 'No. I don't wanna do that.'

'Pathetic.' the voice hissed. 'STILL you allow people to walk all over us.'

'They're my friends!' Peter argued. 'Raven's the love of my life! I don't wanna give her a piece of my mind, I wanna help! We need each other!'

'WE do not need ANYONE!' The voice growled.

'Just forget it, okay?!' Peter snapped. 'Lets just blow off some steam.'

'Coward.' the voice hissed.

Peter ignored the voice and walked across the room and started the training simulation.

Meanwhile, Raven stood over the book in her room with Malchior standing close by. Lit candles encircled where they stood. She was nearvous to perform the spell, not just out of fear of failure, but also because of what had happened before. Her last spell was far beyond her understanding and now she knew this one likely was as well. This could've potentially been dangerous. However, this was the only way to keep her new found friend. Although the fact that it wasn't Peter hurt the worst, she at least got to feel some sense of normalcy around Malchior, something she wasn't quite ready to give up. Now that Peter knew about Malchior, it seemed he wasn't coming around any time soon.

Finally she let out a sigh and readied herself with fierce determination.

She then held up her hands and chanted the spell, "Hezberek Et Morine... Gost Wenthen Verbis Nex..." Malchior watched intently, his fists clenched eagerly. "Ind Obrium, Bis Pendrule..." Suddenly the book began to emit a dark black glow, yet still she continued, "Paran Sic Cortis Rex!"

As she finished the spell, on the last word, thick tendrils of black power streamed up behind her, stretching up to the ceiling and nearly the full length of the room, and the light shining from the books intensifies until Malchior became hidden from view. His paper body flies apart within this; as the light washed over the entire room, the book's pages flipped madly. Raven gasped in sudden shock, but didn't know what to do, nor what was happening. Raven looked to the half torn page in the book, Malchior's black, long-haired silhouette whose white eyes are the only visible feature. Suddenly it crawled out of the book, hunching over with a moan of pain as white light enveloped him, and a pair of long wings sprouted from his back.

"Malchior!" She gasped.

Suddenly she was hurled backward in one split-second flash. When the pages stopped turning, the radiance retreated back toward them; lifting her head from the floor. She looked up and found a loose paper nearby and picked it up. A full-page drawing of the wizard and dragon facing off, each labeled with the appropriate name. After a second, though, the two words faded away and switched places. Her eyes widened and her stomach dropped as the realization hit her like a battering ram.

"You changed it!" She shouted. "Malchior wasn't the wizard, he was a..." She stopped as Malchior began to take his final form, a black and purple dragon with glowing red eyes that towered over her in her room. "...No!"

Meanwhile, Peter stood in the center of the training room, surrounded by holographic ninjas that crowded the entire room. As the simulation began, the small army, lunged at him and Peter sprang into action. He leaped into the air and stretched a long black tendril that swept a crowd of them aside, before throwing them all at the remaining foes.

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