Chapter 9: I Remember...

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Peter, Raven and Dick all stood in the main entrance to Arkham Asylum with Bruce, all of them fully dressed in uniform. Peter looked around the, dark and depressive grey corridors of the facility and got a strong chill up his spine. He looked down one particular hallway to his left and was stricken with an eerie terror at the sight of how barren and dark it looked. Thoughts of the visions that Martian Manhunter showed him, flooded back into his mind. The maddening and seemingly endless array of hallways and rooms looping in on themselves in an ever nonsensical way, accompanied by the strangely constant hum buzz of florescent lights, no matter how the spaces presented themselves.

A parking garage.
A hotel.
A giant pool.
An endless sewer tunnel.

It was always there...

He found himself being reminded a little more of this strange place each day since the information was revealed to him

He quickly shut his eyes and focused his attention forward as a massive set of titanium doors opened up that read, 'Maximum Security Wing' across it in big red letters. As it opened, it revealed a massive freight elevator that led downward into the ground.

"Make a few donations for some upgrades?" Dick murmured to Bruce as they boarded the elevator.

"Try a few billion." Batman responded quietly.

The elevator slowly descended underground, leaving the four of them in silence, with four equally silent guards standing by in all four corners of the elevator platform.

Then suddenly, the elevator stopped, revealing a wide open room with a long desk on the opposite side of the room, with two hallways standing on each side of it.

The Titans quietly followed Batman off the freight elevator and they approached the counter. They waited patiently as one of the guards approached the counter, nudging past Batman with an uneasy look on his face

"They're here for the uhm..." He stared back at Batman with a nervous gulp, then back to the person at the counter. "The two o'clock visit... With Sebastian Blood?"

"Right." The guard at the counter nodded, his eyes scanning the four of them, before looking back to his computer monitor. "I have you all right here." He pointed to the hallway to his right. "You will find him in room twenty-seven 'A'."

"Thank you." Dick nodded, before they quietly followed the four guards down the hallway.

Peter gave an uneasy look at the rows of metal doors lining the halls without so much as a sound emerging from any of them in an all too uncanny way. They rounded the corner and walked down an even longer hallway until they found a single lone door, with no other rooms beside it labeled, 'Twenty-Seven A'.

Batman turned to the guard with a stern look. "We'll need a minute with him."

"R-Right." The lead guard nodded. "Sure thing, pal."

The four of them waited as the doors slowly opened. There Brother Blood was strapped upright to some strange machine. His cybernetic arms and legs were gone and instead the spots were connected by large mechanical limbs. A large helmet strapped to the villain's head, emitting a red glow.

They quickly entered the room and the doors slid shut promptly behind them. They stood there in silence for a moment as Blood stared at the floor. Finally, his eyes trailed upward and met the group of heroes with a grimace.

"Quite a lot of trouble, you've all gone through to see me." He said, before looking directly at Peter. "And what are YOU doing here?"

Peter stepped forward with his arms folded. "I'm here to finally get those answers out of you." He shrugged.

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