Chapter 22: Took

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Peter arrived at the shipyard a few hours after his encounter with Dick and Starfire, as well as the subsequent discovery of the alien living on his body. As he arrived, he saw that Dick and the others had already arrived and were waiting a few yards away from the rusted building.

Peter swung himself over the ship yard and landed a few feet away from them. Their heads immediately turned to look at him. A strong tension filled the air as he slowly approached them. Dick, Beastboy, and Starfire all looked at him with suspicion.

"You made it." Dick nodded to him. "Any word on that fake Spider-Man of yours?"

'Do not tell them about us!' the deep growling voice in his head said to him. 'The bird will only get in our way.'

'I thought I said NO talking!' Peter hissed back in his mind.

He looked back to the Titans and they all looked at him in confusion from his silence.

Finally he let out a sigh and shook his head. "Don't even ask." He replied, walking over to where Raven leaned against the side of a shipping container. "So is madame magic a no-show or something?"

"Fashionably late." Raven replied in a flat annoyance. "Typical Justice League."

"You said it." Peter shook his head.

Suddenly a black four door car slowly crept up the road and stopped in front of the Titans. They watched as the driver side door opened and the black clad Magician stepped out of the car, looking at them all under her top had.

"Teen Titans." She said, smirking at the star struck looks of excitement from Starfire, Beastboy, and Wally. She threw her hands flamboyantly into the air. "I am Zatanna!"

"Yeah, that's nice." Peter replied with his arms folded. "Stop for Starbucks on the way over or something?"

"Actually I am preparing to clean up YOUR mess." She replied sharply and looked directly at Peter. "Nice to meet you, by the way, Spider-Man."

"Wish I could say the same." Peter shrugged.

Raven gently nudged him in the side. "Focus." She whispered. "We might actually need her HELP."

'Listen to the girl... For now.' the deep growling voice in his head piped up again. 'This woman may be of some use to us.'

Peter begrudgingly looked back at Zatanna and nodded. "Right. Sorry." He grumbled and waved at her. "Nice to meet you too."

Zatanna nodded with a scolding glare at Peter, then looked back at Dick. "Grayson, I'd like you and your team to meet a friend of mine..." She turned as a second person exited the car. A blonde haired man in a suit with a tan trench coat and a lit cigarette hanging out of his mouth. "Titans... This is John... John Constantine."

"Who the heck is THIS guy?" Beastboy mumbled to Kid Flash.

Wally simply shrugged his shoulders at that. "Hell if I know."

John glanced at them with a casual gaze and waved. "Hello children." The man spoke in a smooth, British accent. "Class is in session." He took a step toward the front of the car and stared off at the rusted warehouse, Zatanna stepped to his side.

"So, Grayson." Zatanna said as the Titans leader joined their side. "I presume this is the place you spoke of?"

"This is the place." Dick sighed and looked over at Peter who kept a healthy distance beside Raven, refusing to go anywhere closer. "It's been hard for some of us. I sure hope you guys can help us figure this out."

Constantine let out a cloud of smoke and peered at the strange, unassuming building before them.

"This place feels... Wrong." Zatanna whispered to Constantine. "Can you feel it too?"

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