Chapter 7: Nothing Compares To You

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Raven opened her eyes and was surprised to see that the other side of the bed was empty. With a big yawn, she lifted her head and looked around the guest room in Wayne Manor they shared and didn't see Peter anywhere. She glanced over at the clock that told her it was five thirty in the morning.

She sat up on the bed in confusion. Being that Peter had never been to the manor before, she worried what sort of trouble he had gotten himself into. If she was lucky, he would have simply run into one of the others instead. However, the worrisome thoughts failed to leave her head, so she immediately got out of bed and threw her cloak on before stepping out into the hall.

She walked downstairs and passed the dining room to see Dick eating alone at the table with Alfred dusting a nearby shelf.

"Hey, Dick." She said from outside the doorway, causing him to snap his head around to look at her. "Have you seen Peter?"

Dick shrugged his shoulders at that. "I figured he'd be all snuggled up to you." He teased

Raven rolled her eyes at that. "If he was, then why would I be asking you?"

Alfred turned around after that. "I do believe I heard him down in the Batcave with Master Wayne this morning."

Dick picked his head up at that, his eyes widened. Then before either of them could say anything, Dick shot up from the table and hurried down the hallway with Raven. They both entered the elevator in the library and descended into the cave only to find Peter and Bruce side by side in full costume. Bruce was showing Peter advanced martial arts moves, with Peter doing his best to copy the movements.

"Right, like that." Bruce nodded as Peter was slowly practicing an advanced looking kung Fu move. "Drill it a few more times."

"What are you guys doing?" Dick asked with an amused smirk as he and Raven approached them.

"Figured I'd show him a thing or two." Bruce replied with a shrug. "More fluent!" He called to Peter. "Less rigid!"

"Have you two been at this all night?" Raven grumbled to the Bat in annoyance.

"No." Batman shook his head.

Peter finally noticed his friends standing by and his eyes lit up and he immediately slipped his mask off and rushed over to his girlfriend excitedly.

"Hey!" He said with a wide smile. "Sorry I wasn't there when you woke up. I just kinda got caught up."

Raven shook her head at that with a slight grin, amused at Peter's excitement. "It's fine, I suppose."

"We went on a mission last night too!" He said, looking between her and Dick with excitement.

"You did?!" The other two Titans replied in unison, both equally confused.

"Yeah we fought this ice guy." He explained, then pointed excitedly to a table across the cave. "And we stole his freeze ray thingie, look!"

Dick chuckled at Peter's excitement, then looked back to Bruce with his arms folded. "You guys took down Mister Freeze while we were sleeping?"

Bruce nodded at that. "We did."

"Wow." Dick bobbed his head with an impressed look. "That's kinda terrifying. Not gonna lie." He looked to Peter. "How long did it take."

He knew Peter would know.

Peter looked back to Dick, before replying. "Like two hours? If that?"

"Damn." Dick nodded, then looked back to Bruce. "You trying to poach my student or something?"

"Just offering a little help." Bruce replied, then turned away and started toward the elevator. "I'm gonna get some rest."

"Okay." Peter waved. "Later!"

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