Chapter 55: The End Pt. 2

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Peter breathed heavily as the smoky air slowly thickened the higher he climbed. By the time he reached the street level, he had to pause to catch his breath, before he got a chance to look around.

What he saw was exactly what was promised. The sky was blood red, flames trickled from the ruins of what was once Jump City. He looked to the sidewalks and saw crowds of people turned to stone statues, their terror frozen in time.

He dropped to his knees in defeat and hung his head with guilt.

All these lives he had inadvertently affected.

Now it was too late to do anything at all.

There was nothing left to do, but staring at the ruined city was nearly impossible to bear. So he continued walking, his head hung all the while.

'I should've just let Mysterio win.' He thought to himself.

He kept walking through the ruins, intending to escape the city and get some distance from where everything went wrong. However, as he wandered through the streets, he was stopped when he heard something he didn't expect to hear.

The scream of a young child.

He immediately snapped his head toward the source of the sound and looked right at a manhole cover. He quickly webbed the cover off and got closer to hear it better.

The scream sounded again.

She needed his help.

But... then what?

Survive, only to live in a vicious hellscape and probably die anyway?

That would only prolong her suffering.

Then the scream sounded again from down below.

"Get away!" the little girl shouted.

It was no use.

No matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't bring himself to simply ignore it. Her screams for help still pierced his ears like nails on a chalkboard. Piloting his subconscious body, like the world's strongest computer program.

"Dammit." he cursed to himself

Before he could protest any further, he leapt into the hole below. Then he caught himself right at the bottom in shock, when he found the manhole led to a massive lava filled cavern, that looked more native to hell than to earth. He looked down and spotted four creatures that looked as though they were made entirely out of fire.

In front of them stood a small child in a white robe with her hood up. He peered with intrigue at the familiarity of the girl. Then, suddenly, the girl took off running past the demons and crawled into a small crack in the wall. The monsters snarled and crept towards the scared child.

So, thinking quickly, Peter let go of the ceiling and landed behind the creatures. Then he quickly webbed all four of them in the back of the head.

"Hey hothead!" he called, causing them to turn around to face him with aggressive growls. "You won't get much protein out of her." He held out his hands as he backed away. "How about picking on someone your own size?"

The demons roared at him, before they bounded towards him. Peter ducked to dodge as one of the fire monsters swiped at him, it's arm stretching to a serpentine length. He quickly flipped over another attack, before leaning away from three more attacks.

Then, once he saw an opening, he jumped over the group and webbed the ceiking of the cave. Upon landing, he pulled the webs as hard as he could, causing the ceiling of the cave to collapse onto them, burying the fire demons in tons of rubble.

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