Chapter 28: The Tale Of Vic And Gar

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Cyborg was alerted one morning by the sound of his communicator going off. He lifted his head from where he knelt beside the T-Car as he tightened a new wheel onto the vehicle. The yellow, circular device rang away on a nearby table next to a few tools he had been using.

"I'm coming!" He shouted as he tightened the last bolt onto the vehicle. "I'm coming! Chill, y'all, damn!" He said as the communicator continued ringing away. Finally, he picked up the device and accepted the call, however, he was surprised to see none other than Batman's face on the screen instead of Dick. "Yo, Bruce!" The robotic teen waved at the screen. "Wassup? How you been?"

"I've been well, Victor." Batman replied bluntly. "Just busy."

"Apparently not too busy to check up on your favorite half robot!" Cyborg joked. "I'm touched."

Batman did not react to the comment, and went silent for a moment, before replying. "I'm afraid this is a business call."

Cyborg shrugged at that. "Eh, I had a feeling you'd say that." He replied as he sat down next to the work bench. "So what's up?"

"I've already filled Dick in on the situation, but I wanted to fill you in as well." He explained. "As of right now each attempt to close your portal has failed. Zatanna and Constantine are trying out a few more spells, but so far... No luck."

"I guess Pete was right when he said Magic don't work in there." Cyborg chuckled. "Still don't know how he knew that, though."

"Whatever the case." Batman said. "Your portal is still growing steadily." He explained. "However slow it may be, its still quite dangerous."

"Damn." Cyborg replied with an exasperated breath and shook his head. "So what you're saying is that this is a fuckin nightmare, huh?"

Batman went silent after that for a moment, then finally replied. "It is starting to seem that way. I AM tinkering with an idea that may stop the growth of the portals... But I'm going to need you and Spider-Man to assist me on it."

"Heh, right." Cyborg replied, rubbing the back of his head with a disheartened sigh. "About that... Peter is-"

"Gone. I know." He interrupted.

Cyborg nodded his head at that. "Dick told you?"


Cyborg blinked at that in confusion. "Alfred?"

"Peter came to my house yesterday." Batman explained. "He needed my help with something, but left before I returned home."

Cyborg's mind raced in confusion, trying to think of what Peter possibly could've been in Gotham for. Did he steal something from Wayne manor?

Peter's behavior HAD been rather strange during the past week. However, even if Peter had stopped to that point, Cyborg had a feeling that steeling from Batman's house wasn't possible.

"What the hell is he doing in Gotham?" Cyborg replied in confusion.

"I'm currently tracking him." Batman replied simply. "I should find him by this afternoon."

Cyborg breathed a sigh of relief at that. "Hallelujah!" He replied with a shake of the head. "Just be careful when you DO find him."

"His behavior's been strange?" Batman guessed.

Cyborg nodded at that. "Aw yeah. Hella strange."

Batman nodded at that. "I had a feeling that was the case."

Cyborg raised a brow at that. "Oh yeah?"

"J'onn was worried that showing him memories from the room would reverse the amnesia." Bruce explained. "Causing all of the emotional trauma to return with a vengeance."

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