Chapter 46: Ramble On

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Peter looked at himself in the mirror with hesitation. For the first time in a month, he wore his red and blue suit. He stared himself up and down from the webbing netted over the red, to the black spider symbol in the middle of his chest.

Wearing the suit felt strange, now. Compared to the symbiote suit it felt just a little too tight, and not nearly as breathable.

He took his mask in hand and stared into the eye lenses, contemplating whether or not he should've been going out. It had only been two days since he recovered from the symbiote. However, the thought of going out on patrol filled him with dread, but not out of fear of being harmed. Quite the opposite, in fact; he was afraid of what HE may do to any suspects.

With a deep breath, he turned around and left his room to go to the kitchen. As he walked down the hallway, his heart raced in nervous anticipation.

Was he really ready to get back to patrol?

As he reached the living room, he pressed the button on the wall and the doors flew open. In a split second, his vision was filled with the maddness of mono-yellow where the living room should have been.

Peter gasped in shock and jumped back. Then, suddenly, in the blink of an eye, the walls returned to normal, like it never even happened. He blinked in confusion and looked around to see that everything was back to normal. Beastboy, Cyborg, and Wally sat on the couch watching TV and he could hear the whistling of Raven's tea kettle from the kitchen.

Peter tensed up as he slowly walked down the steps into the living room. He waited in anticipation for the walls to change again, but they never did. It was just a flash, but why did it happen?

As he stepped into the kitchen his attention was immediately grabbed by the sight of Raven's purple hair and cloak standing at the counter fixing her tea. He immediately breathed a sigh of relief and grabbed a cup from the cupboard.

Once she heard him, she turned around, expecting him to say something. However, she could tell something was distracting him. Even without her powers of empathy telling her, she could see the unfocused look in his eyes as he poured his coffee, as if he was staring straight through the wall.

"Hey." She said, leaning back against the counter as she steeped her tea.

Peter blinked, snapping himself out of his haze, before looking back at her with a sleepy smile. "Hey, Raven."

"You going out for patrol this morning?" She asked, noting the red and blue spandex that she hadn't seen him in for what felt like a long time.

Peter took a deep calming breath as he shakily stirred his coffee. "Yep... Back to the old grind." Then through his shaking he spilled a bit on the floor. "Shit." He cursed under his breath as he set down his cup and grabbed a nearby towel.

"You... Okay?" Raven asked with concern.

Peter let out a sigh and rubbed his eyes as he stood back up. "I... I think so." He said with a look of confusion. "I-I'll get back to you on that." He joked with a half grin.

"More visions?" She guessed.

Peter shrugged at that and nodded. "Well yeah, that too."

Raven set down her cup and moved a bit closer to him. "What is it?"

Peter looked at her, trying to hide the worried look on his face. "I'm going out on patrol."

She nodded. "Uh huh?"

"The last fight I was in..." He began, but couldn't finish his sentence. It still bothered him, forcing him to take a deep breath before moving on. "What if I really hurt somebody?"

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