Chapter 43: Catch Hell Blues

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The next morning, Peter was still ordered to stay in the infirmary for further tests. However, with how weakened his muscles felt, he found himself pacing around the room for hours while Cyborg took his vitals and forced him to eat ungodly amounts of food.

"Come on, man!" Cyborg said. "You've gone without nutrients for like two weeks. So I wanna see a clean plate!"

"Come on." Peter groaned. "I've cleaned like six plates, if I eat anymore I'm gonna hurl, man."

"Alright alright." Cyborg chuckled in amusement. "You're good... For now."

Peter groaned and set down the plate Cyborg had given him. "What are you doing, dude? Raising me for slaughter?"

"Yep." Cyborg jokes. "Gonna have some spider bacon for breakfast in the morning." He said, patting Peter on the stomach. "Gotta fatten you up."

"I knew it." Peter replied with a weak chuckle. "Just warning you, the radiation probably HASN'T made me taste very good."

Cyborg chuckled and shook his head in amusement as he looked at the screen of his wrist computer.

"Well, looks like your vitals are getting better." Cyborg replied. "Good news, your muscles no longer have atrophy and you ain't dehydrated anymore."

"Nice." Peter replied pumping his fist. "So can I go back to MY room now?"

"No no, not yet." The robotic Titan shook his head in amusement.

"Come on!" He groaned. "Hospital rooms freak me out."

"You're not IN a hospital room." Cyborg pointed out jokingly.

"You KNOW what I mean." Peter replied.

"No, not really." Cyborg replied with a shrug. "The hospital's supposed to help you."

"Yeah well I've seen enough hospital hallways." Peter replied as he paced around to where Cyborg sat near the bed.

"Oh, you mean the Backrooms?" Cyborg replied, gaining a raised eyebrow from Peter. "Beastboy and I call it that. Sounds cooler."

Peter looked off at that, before nodding. "Yeah, kinda."

"Well I'm sorry, but Dick gave STRICT instructions. We can't have you breaking yourself even MORE." Cyborg announced as he stood up from his chair. "That should do you for a few more hours. I'll be back to check again with lunch."

"Oh great." Peter groaned. "MORE food."

Cyborg stopped as his communicator beeped at him. Peter watched as he pulled it out and quietly read the screen, before shaking his head and putting it away.

"What is it?" Peter asked.

"Nothing that can't wait till morning." Cyborg replied. "I'll be back. Don't go anywhere."

"Come on." Peter groaned as the door closed, leaving him alone in the room. "I'm getting WAY too familiar with these walls!" He called after Cyborg, then pointed at the wall behind him. "Gary over here just went through a BRUTAL divorce and it's getting REAL awkward!"

Cyborg, however did not respond, leaving Peter alone in the room to entertain himself. With how weak his legs felt, he didn't want to sit down and make it worse. Instead he paced around the room, walking along the walls and ceiling, trying to entertain himself somehow.

He didn't want to sit and wait to recover. That Symbiote could've been anywhere. He had to find it.

Eventually, Peter found himself unable to wait any longer. Even if he couldn't fight crime, there was no reason he couldn't do SOMETHING useful with his time.

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