Chapter 17: Over The Edge

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"What do you mean I've been gone three days?" Peter asked with a confused gaze. "I SWEAR I've been gone an hour, at MOST."

"Peter, seriously." Beastboy replied pensively. "It's okay if you needed some time off. We were just worried about you." He continued, before flashing him a serious look. "Raven was worried about you."

"Dude, what the fuck?" Peter asked almost offended by the accusation from Beastboy of all people. "Where the fuck would I go without telling anyone?"

Peter and Beastboy shared annoyed looks at each other and Dick immediately stepped between the two of them to ease the noticeable tension.

"Guys, calm down." Dick said as Starfire and Cyborg shared worried looks. "I think I know how we can figure this out." He turned to Peter and nodded. "Follow me."

Dick headed up the stairs with the others following closely behind him. Beastboy and Peter shared the same look as they passed each other. They all boarded the elevator and headed downward. The ride down was quiet and extremely awkward from the encounter. All Peter could do is wonder.

What exactly happened to him?
How was he gone three days?
Why was Beastboy acting this way?

They finally exited the elevator and followed Dick into the crime lab. They lights above them flickered on and the large monitor at the center of the room sprung to life. Dick tapped a few buttons, before turning to Peter and stepping closer to him.

"Hand me your mask." He said with his hand held out.

Peter raised a brow in confusion and did as he was told. "O...kay? But... Why?" He asked as Dick turned the mask inside out and turned around.

"Batman was worried that something weird might happen." Dick replied as he pulled out a small black chip and plugged it into the computer. "So he had me fix a camera into your mask... Sorry about that."

Peter waved it off. "Oh no no. That's actually pretty smart. Just..." He paused at that and the other Titans looked at him in confusion. "Be careful about certain uhm... Things that I do with... With the mask on."

All of the other Titans deadpanned at once, even Starfire somehow understood.

"You disgust me sometimes." Dick chuckled with a shake of the head.

"Beat me by three seconds." Beastboy grumbled.

They paused as the index for the footage popped up, showing nearly two weeks of footage already. Dick scrolled to the bottom and selected the most recent file. Then he scrolled down to an hour prior. They watched as the footage showed Peter battling the two gangs of men in the warehouse.

"Okay." Dick nodded, touching his chin as he studied the footage with great curiosity. "Yeah I remember this." He looked at Peter. "Arms deal, right?"

Peter shrugged at that. "Yep."

Dick nodded and looked back to the footage as Peter turned to the final thug on the tape.

Cyborg nudged Peter at that with a grin. "Glad to see our training isn't going to waste."

"Hey, thanks." Peter chuckled at that.

"Wait." Dick paused the video with alarm as the setting drastically changed its appearance in a matter of seconds. He quickly rewinded the tape a few seconds. "What the fuck?"

They all looked back at the screen with eyes widened as Peter stepped out of the warehouse and into a large empty office with pale yellow wallpaper and tan carpets, with fluorescent lights hum buzzing relentlessly overhead.

"Uh... W-Why is there a creepy office attached to that warehouse?" Cyborg stammered with great unease as they watched the footage of Peter begin to panic.

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