✧ 2

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chenle pushed open the doors of the dorm, immediately being greeted with her men members yelling for them to hurry up. jaemin followed in with the bags in his hand. he looked cautiously at chenle who had yet to even smile since he saw his soulmate.

his ankle still burned, and he wished that they could've at least had a conversation together for the burning to go away. but no. she ran away.

jaemin went to the kitchen and placed the bags down, ignoring his members complaints for him to hurry up. chenle walked to the living room and sat next to haechan who was still complaining that he was hungry to jaemin.

eventually haechan stopped, only after being told to shut up by jaemin, and he turned her gaze to chenle who stared at the table.
"you okay?"

"I met my soulmate."

you could hear a pin drop with how silent the dorm became. there was no gasp or shocked screaming, just pure silence. until jeno spoke in a more quiet voice.
"why do you seem so... sad then?"

"because she just.. left."

"does she know who you are?"
"she just left?"
"maybe she had somewhere to be."
chenle ignored his members questions and reactions. he leaned back into the couch and let himself sink in the cushions as he thought deeply about this.

the members fell quiet for a second, all of them in their own thoughts about the situation, until jaemin walked in with the ramen cooked. he placed in on the table and sat down, looking at his members before sighing.

"her arm hit his arm and then they felt the burn in their ankles. she looked at him and then she seemed really shocked. she then left and said she needed to go. chenle tried to talk to her but she just said something like 'I'm yeeun, you're chenle, nice to meet you, I need to go.' and then she left." he explained as everyone looked at him with their full attention.

"so she does know you." haechan spoke quietly, turning his head towards chenle. the boy seemed lost in his own thoughts, he wasn't thinking of anything other than her.

why'd she leave? is it because she knows me? is because I'm an idol? does she not like me? was she actually just busy? where is she from? how do I meet her again? we need to meet again right?

"oh shit" He voiced out suddenly as jaemin filled the individual bowls up with ramen.
"I don't know where to find her. I only know her name is yeeun."

renjun slapped his hand onto his face and rubbed his eyes aggressively. "if you don't see her soon you're going to get really weak and sick and if you don't see for like two weeks you're going to die."

chenles head fell down as he looked at his hands in his lap, fiddling with the ring he had on. he felt haechan putting an arm around his shoulder and he was pulled closer to older boy.

"you could've said that in a nicer way." mark said, looking at renjun before he glanced at chenle.
"but yeah that's true. you'll need to find her."

"what if we don't find her and I die."
Chenle said, looking up meet his members gazes.

"that won't happen."
Jisung said, shaking his hand.
"It's a possibility."
chenle said with a shrug, a pout forming on his lips as thought more about the situation.

"she seems around our age. if it takes too long we will go around to universitys and if not then we will go to random stores and see if she works there." Jaemin said, before eating some of the ramen.

"we will figure this out even if we have to become stalkers." haechan said, moving his arm away from chenle and grabbing his small bowl full of ramen. The members chuckled and grabbed their own bowls too, but they knew they would do it if they had too.

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