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chenles house felt like it was starting to become her own with how often she was going there. she knocked on the door and waited for him to open it.

they planned to meet now since he would've finished his schedules not long ago. so you can imagine yeeuns surprise when he doesn't open the door, but rather his mother does.

"yeeun! darling, come on inside."

yeeun steps inside and takes her shoes off, politely following behind his mother as if she hasn't been here almost every second day.
"please take a seat, yeeun. do you like tea?"

"oh yes, I love tea." yeeun quickly said as she sat down onto the couch. within a few seconds his mother entered again with two small teacups full.

"I've been coming down to korea more recently to see him now that he has a soulmate, but I can't be here for a long period. my own soulmate is back in china." Mrs Zhong says, referring to chenles father. she sat down on the seat next to the yeeun, hands on her knees as she looks at the girl with a warm smile.

"he seems so much more at ease when you're around. perhaps you didn't notice, but whenever I see you are here with him, he is different." she said, thinking back to all the times she had seen the pair of soulmates sitting on the couch talking about a random subject. "oh and I mean good different. he looks so much more at ease around you."

yeeun couldn't help but feel her cheeks heat up a tint of pink. she never noticed whether she too would feel at ease around him. she only realised that she felt relief when they were close and the tingling feeling whenever they touched. "why do you think that is..?"

"oh darling you're soulmates, don't forget." she teased with a lighthearted laugh.

yeeun too smiled before asking more seriously. "I know, but we don't know each other all the well. I feel like we only just recently became friends."

the older women nodded at the girl and sighed, placing a hand on top of the younger girls hand.
"soulmates just work like that. whether you mean too or not, you eventually will fall in love."

yeeun hadn't even thought of the concept that she and chenle would love one another. she only ever considered that they would like each other.

her cheeks heated up as Mrs Zhong looked at her, feeling entertained by the girls shocked expression. the door suddenly was opened and chenle called out into the house, "I'm home! sorry I'm late!"

he walked into the lounge room after a few seconds and saw the sight of his mother and soulmate sat on the couch. yeeun looking at him with rosy cheeks and his mother with a pleased grin.

"what did you do?"
Chenle immediately asked, looking at his mother with confusion. she merely laughed and stood up, rubbing her hands on her knees as she did so.

"I'll leave you two to be together. I'll be doing the laundry if you need anything." chenle watched as his mother left the lounge room without looking back. his eyes adverted back to yeeun who looked away from him and took a sip from her tea.

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