✧ 17

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she rung his doorbell and it only took a few seconds for the door to open. chenle greeted her warmly with a smile and gestured her inside.

"you said you had work to do?" he asked as she took her shoes off. she nodded, muttering a 'yeah' and then she straightened up her posture once her shoes were off.

"I won't bother you too much then." he said walking off to the kitchen. she walked into the lounge room and got herself comfortable on the floor with her back against the couch.

"you can sit on the couch if you want too. you don't have to sit on the floor." he said, walking into the lounge room with two glasses of water in his hand.

"oh yeah I know I just find it easier to work like this though." she answered as he placed down the glass of water for her next to her laptop. he hummed and sat at the other end of the couch. they weren't exactly sitting close together, in the back of their mind they knew they would need to be together for a long time to feel better fully.

as she worked hard time seemed to slip away and she didn't notice how long it had been. it felt comfortable to be there without having to talk. he didn't talk to her much, he only occasionally showed her things on his phone and asked for her opinion on a certain matter even if it was only a joke.

eventually he got bored though, and put his phone down. he looked at her and watched as she typed away on her laptop, her eyes completely focused.

"what are you doing?" he asked pulling her focus away from her work. she looked away from the screen and towards chenle, responding with, "work for university."

"like what?" he asked curiously.

"preparing for a presentation next week." she turned back to her laptop as she waited for a reply of some sort, but he didn't say anything or make any noise. so she explained it a bit further. "I'm just checking over the information my team has put down so far."

"oh, okay." he said, picking up his phone again. they had been together sitting like this for the past hour and despite how she felt first time coming here, it was rather comfortable and a calming environment to be in. so much so that the hours they were together for the hours seemed to slip away, completely losing track of time.

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