✧ 59

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yeeun sat on her bed after grabbing her laptop. she lifted the blankets and shuffled her legs under them, relishing in the warm of them compared to the cold air outside of the bed.

she turned her head towards chenle, who was sitting between her and the wall. He was sitting on the top of her blankets rather than being under them in the warmth, making her frown.

"you must be cold." she said, lifting the blankets up. he looked at her and grinned when he noticed what she was offering. he instantly shuffled back and lifted the blanket up enough to get under himself.

chenle moved his arm and put it around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. yeeun felt the butterflies swarming her stomach, yet unknown to her chenle was also feeling butterflies swarm his.

she placed her laptop on her lap over the top of the blankets and looked through all the movie options. chenle picked a movie after a few minutes of searching. once the movie was playing, they relaxed into the blankets and into one another's touch. yeeun found herself resting her head on his shoulder and relishing in the comfortable atmosphere that was surrounding them.

they became absorbed into the movie, not realising that it was well past midnight and that the movie chenle picked was a long one.

yeeuns eyes were beginning to feel tired. she didn't want to sleep, she wanted to spend as much time as she could with him, but it was getting harder to do. she cuddled further into him, her arm laying over the top of his stomach, as her head moved closer to his neck. she closed her eyes, planning to open them again, but she didn't.

a few minutes passed by before chenle looked down slightly and noticed that her eyes were closed. he reached for the laptop and paused the movie. he half-expected her to tell him to keep playing it or to ask why he paused it, but she never said anything.

with his suspicions confirmed, he lifted his hand up to her hair, brushing the hair out of her face. the slight touch brought her back to her senses so she opened her eyes. she struggled to keep them open but managed to move back away from chenle a bit to look at him.

he bit his lip, holding back a laugh, as she struggled to keep her eyes open. chenle grabbed the laptop and moved it off her lap, before wrapping his arms around her carefully. he pulled her into a laying down position and sat back up, looking down at her.

"you seem tired, go to sleep." he said, brushing the hair out of her face again. she raised an eyebrow and looked at him through her half a closed eyes.
"what about you?"

"I'll leave. we can watch the movie another time."
yeeun sighed and nodded her head. she wanted to move and walk him to her door at least, but when she tried to sit up he pushed her shoulder back down. she laid there and watched as he crawled off her bed and put her laptop on her desk.

he grabbed his mask and phone, quickly making sure everything was in his pocket before turning back to her.

"sleep well sweetheart."
"you too chenle."
she watched him as he walked to her door and closed it behind him quietly,

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