✧ 11

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yeeun sat at the back of her classroom, silently taking notes, finally feeling refreshed and healthy enough to actually attend class. hyunshik sat next to her taking notes every now and then though he mostly listened to the teacher ramble on.

as the lesson was coming closer to the end, he leaned towards yeeun and whispered quietly.
"You know you need to see your soulmate often in order to not lose your energy and get sick, yeah?"

"yeah." she whispered back, not yet looking up at him as she focused on writing.

"I'm just saying because you want to keep distance but-" yeeun cut him off before he could finish speaking, "I know."

hyunshik sighed, sitting back up straight and looking at her.
"you'll eventually realise it isn't a big deal that he is an ido-"
yeeun slapped her hand across his mouth and turned to look at him with wide eyes. a few students looked back at them but didn't pay much attention and looked back to the teacher.

"shut. up." she muttered under her breath before moving her hand as he just smirked at her, but keeping his mouth closed.

as the class ended, yeeun quickly packed up her things and left the room, being followed behind by hyunshik. they walk outside to the courtyard. yeeun ignored hyunshik as he kept trying to talk about her soulmate.

they walk across the grass to a bench and table where minhee was studying. yeeun greeted her with a smile that soon turned into a frown once she heard hyunshik talk again.

"it's not a big deal that he is an idol, you know?" he sat down next to minhee as yeeun sat on the opposite side of the table.

"it is though because first of all I don't know him. I've only seen him as an idol on the internet and listened to his groups songs." yeeun argued with the 0% of logic rolling through her brain.

"so...? soulmates never know each other until they accidentally touch. I've only heard one story where they were friends and the first time their hands touched they realised." Minhee said, looking up from her book.

"This is different though" She wanted to believe herself, she really did. but she knew better than her friends did, that she was only lying to herself. it really wasn't different. you never know who your soulmate is, your soulmate could even end up being a criminal.

"How?" minhee said, slamming her book shut and leaning her elbows onto the table to look at her friend.

"we live completely different worlds. plus his fans will kill me." yeeun, putting a finger up with both of her reasons. she looked at her two fingers and sighed. is two reasons enough to not talk to him?

"yeah, they might, but they will eventually get over it." hyunshik said placing his hands on the table looking at her with wide eyes as if she was dumb.

"so what" She shot back, her eyebrows narrowing, placing her hands back into her lap.
"oh my gosh you're so stubborn." he said throwing his hands up and then down into his lap as he looked away from her.

"why are you pressuring me I don't know him and I don't plan to know him yet." she didn't even know why she was complaining. she knew exactly why they were pressuring her. in fact she knew the answer to everything. but maybe hearing it from someone else made it really sink it.

"that's why we are pressuring you! because you don't want to even try to get know him." hyunshik said his voice getting louder the more he had to talk.

"let me live my life how I want too." she muttered under her breath, pulling her phone out of her pocket. minhee scoffed and opened her book continuing to study.

"Fine. whatever. when I get my soulmate, I'll show you how easy it can be." Hyunshik says as he stands up to go to his next class. Yeeun rolled her eyes at him, "You do that then." She said. yet never the less despite their glares towards each other they waved goodbye to each other.

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