✧ 23

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yeeun's eyes flickered open and she noticed that despite how relaxed she felt, it was a different kind of comfortable. she examined the room for a second and became aware of the fact that the movie was turned off and that she was asleep on chenles shoulder.

oh you're kidding.

she hesitated, wondering if she should move or just go back to sleep, though she didn't have much choice as she heard footsteps coming into the living room.

she closed her eyes and relaxed herself into chenle again, trying to look as though she was still asleep.

haechan placed the food delivery bags on the table in front of them and went back to the kitchen to grab some bowls and cutlery. once he came back and everything was set up he looked at the two of them.

he grabbed his phone out and took a photo quickly before tapping chenles shoulder gently.
he woke up, eyes fluttering open as he was about to move when he felt something on his shoulder.

he turned his head to see what it was and his eyes widened when he saw her peacefully asleep on his shoulder. he looked up at haechan, eyes wide as if he was silently asking for help but haechan smiled and shrugged his shoulders. beginning to open the bags of takeaway.

chenle sighed and turned his attention back to yeeun who was mentally fighting herself to not open her eyes. she felt chenle move ever so slightly before there was a tap on her shoulder.

she did her best in trying to act like she just woke up, slowly sitting up straight and rubbing her eyes. she looked at chenle who was still looking at her.

"sorry." she muttered, feeling her cheeks go slightly red out of embarrassment when she saw how haechan was smirking at the both of them.

chenle waved it off and told her not to worry about it, telling her that the movie was so boring and he fell asleep as well.

haechan complained that it wasn't boring and while the two boys argued, yeeun quietly ate the food, grateful that they decided to not speak of that sleeping situation again.

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