✧ 49

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8:02 pm

Chenle threw his hood over his head and pulled the mask up, stepping out of the car. he closed the door and walked towards the shop's entrance. it was quiet around and there was barely anyone even on the street, though that was probably because it was cold.

he pushed opened the doors and entered the warm store. he walked over to the counter where he saw yeeun stacking the displays.

she turned around, ready to greet the customer.
"hello-" Her eyes widened before she whisper-yelled, "I told you not to come here."

chenle shrugged his shoulder and picked up a random product, looking at it with a tight grin, feeling her eyes staring at him.

"if someone sees you, it's your fault."

"don't worry about me. I've been an idol since I was a teenager." he said in a whisper, looking around the store to find that there was only an older male in a suit looking at the band aid section.

as the male walked up to the counter, Chenle quickly stepped aside and lowered his head, picking up another random product and beginning to read the back of the box.

the customer placed down two boxes of cartoon bandaids and some chocolate. once the customer left, chenle quickly went back to the counter.

"he is dressed in a suit and buying barbie band-aids. I wish to be as cool as him."

yeeun couldn't hold back her laugh though she tried to act normal instantly as two teenager girls walked into the store. the two girls greeted yeeun politely before going back into their own conversation.

"no I just think that nct did it better."
"you're just biased."
"perhaps, but I still think they did it better."

yeeuns eyes widened as she turned her head ever so slightly towards chenle. chenle too had his eyes slightly widened, though he soon lowered his mask a tiny bit and offered her a smile, before raising his mask back up.

yeeun decides to try and listen to the girls conversation. are they die-hard fans or just causal listeners? would they care? would they-

"did you see nct dreams performance. It was really good." one of the girls said, picking up one of the flavoured drinks.

"I know right, it's a shame they probably have soulmates." the girl with a pony tail said, picking up her drink.

"they do?!" the other girl gasped, turning to face her friend.

"oh come on seyeong, they're adults. I would be shocked if none of them have met their soulmate."
seyeong sighed and picked up a bag of chips. "I would be annoyed if my bias got a soulmate."

the girl with a ponytail shook her head, turning to face her friend. "yeah, well you're a psycho."

seyeong frowned, "what?"

"it's literally something you can't control. they're just like us. they can't control who their soulmate is."
seyeong went silent, making her friend laugh as she picked up her own bag of chips.
"you got nothing to say because I used logic, huh?"

"Whatever, go buy me this like you promised."
seyeong said, passing her friend her drink and bag of chips.

chenle quickly moves off to the side, putting down the two things he was holding to grab a random packet of chips. though this time he was actually curious of the item he picked up because it was a special edition flavour.

the girls approach the counter, and place the items on the counter. seyeong stands behind her friend, looking around the store before her eyes fell on chenle. unfortunately, chenle just so happened to have turned in their direction as he tried to get better lighting to read the chip packet.

he didn't notice, yet yeeun noticed. seyeong quickly looked away, not wanting to stare at the man, especially if it wasn't her idol.

though, after a few seconds she looked back, carefully trying to get a better look. chenle noticed the girl, angling herself ever so slightly to look at him. the two made eye contact and seyeong gasped.

"I knew it." she uttered out, yet she still didn't approach him to closer, just looked at him in shock.

her friend soon turned around, holding the bag full of unhealthy foods and the receipt in her other hand. she saw her friend looking at the male, so she too looked over at chenle.

"oh. chenle, right?" she said, earning a slap from her friend who was shocked and unbelievably excited. "yooooo chenle!" seyeong said, trying to stay calm but not knowing how to act.

"yeah." chenle said feeling a bit shocked.

"we have to go my mum will kill me if we are late." seyeong's friend says, tapping seyeong's shoulder as she tried to get the girls attention.

seyeong turns her head to her friend and quickly nods but looks back at chenle. 
"Could I please have a signature?"

chenle smiles at the girl and nods his head. the girl reached into her bag and pulled out a small group photo of nct dream. chenle smiles, taking the pen from the girl and signed it just next to his face.

the girl smiles just as brightly as he gave her the paper and pen back. "thank you so much." she exclaimed as she bowed. her friend smiled and waved at chenle, before grabbing seyeong's bag and dragging her out of the store as she happily began practicing yelling her excitement.

yeeun looked at chenle and sighed, "if they say anything bad, It is 100% your fault."

chenle placed down the packet of chips and went to stand in front of the counter again. mentally, he praying that those girls were just some fans who weren't going to mention many details about the interaction.

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