✧ 38

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chenle 🏀

how's work?
6:52 pm

barely any customers today
7:43 pm

why are you on your phone at work
you'll get in trouble

no I won't
they can't fire me I'm the only one they can rely on to be nice to customers
they would never even consider firing me

oh you're that good with customers?

hate them but I can handle them
my shift is actually ending now

it's about to start raining
do you have an umbrella?
or raincoat?

yeah I do
I'll run home really fast

I can go pick you up
I'm in the car right now I can ask to go get you

no, don't worry
it's okay I don't live far from my work

are you sure? I really can just come by quickly

I like walking in the rain
it's comforting in a weird way

you'll get sick

no I won't
I have a raincoat it's fine


just go home and rest chenle
you must be tried form your schedules

well make sure you use your umbrella too then

I will
my shift is ending
talk later!

okayyy bye

she did not have an umbrella.

... or a raincoat.

her shift was ending in less than a minute and she had no way to get home without being drenched in the rain. hyunshik ran into store, looking over at her with a grin, his clothes barely wet.

"I'm so lucky my sister drove me here." he said, walking behind the counter to walk into the back room where the lockers were. when he got back and took over her position behind the counter he looked at her. She was just standing there with her bag, looking at the door as heavy rain poured down.

"you don't have an umbrella or anything?" he asked, leaning onto the counter. she shook her head and tore her attention away from the rain outside towards her friend.

"stay here until the rain clears up then. you'll get sick if you go out there, especially if you're walking all the way home." she immediately shook her head.

"I can't. I have to go home and study. I can't procrastinate my studies any longer."

"you'll get sick!" he said, pointing at the rain that eased up the tiniest bit, however it was still pouring down.

"I'll be fine. I'll have a warm shower when I get home." she said stepping closer to the door, looking back to wave at hyunshik. "wish me luck."

he rolled his eyes but never the less said "good luck." watching as the stubborn girl opened the door and began to run.

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