✧ 68

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the feeling was worse than ever. her whole body was practically aching from not seeing him, and also from the sheer amount of emotions she has gone through in the past two days.

she knew she had to see him today. yeeun dressed with a hoodie over her head, a mask over her face, and kept her head low. she caught a taxi to a shop near the company, where she would then attempt to walk to and into the company.

she stepped out of the taxi after paying and glanced in the direction of the company, only to see at least twenty people surrounding the main entrance.

the reporters that were there were asking the guards questions and trying to find their way into the company to ask other staff members about what sounds like questions about "chenle's soulmate"

yeeun quickly made her way down the side of the building to the side door, greeting the staff she was beginning to recognise easily. they hurried her into the building, getting her inside as quickly as possible just in case.

the door closed behind her and she took a deep breath, not stepping further into the building as she took a moment to calm down.
it's fine. I'm safe in here. no way someone would have gotten in.

"excuse me? you don't appear to be a staff member. are you by any chance chenle's soulmate? or another idol's soulmate?"
yeeun looked up towards the voice with wide eyes, and then she froze. the lady with a microphone and a small camera in her other hand started to walk closer to her. yeeun's heart begun beating ten times faster as she stumbled back until her back hit the door again.

using her fist, she hit the door a few times until it opened. the guard she grew accustomed too opened it and saw her panicked state. he looked in and saw the reporter.
"hey! how'd you get into the building?!"

yeeun quickly walked away, as the area filled with more guards, escorting the frustrated reporter out of the building.

yeeun felt tears pricking her eyes as she practically ran for the elevators. as soon as she reached the corner, she pressed the button and then leaned against the wall. She tried to take deep breaths to calm herself down as she stared at the elevators in front of her, hoping the doors would open quickly.

before she could blink her tears away, the elevator door opened and revealed haechan and harin standing there with bright smiles. their smiles dropped into concerned looks upon seeing yeeun.

"yeeun? are you okay?"
haechan asked as harin rushed out to yeeun. yeeun shook her head as she felt the tears spill out of her eyes. "the reporters... they-" She couldn't get the words out, instead just pointed in the direction where the guards were all still yelling at the persistent reporter.

"let's get you up to chenle, okay?"
harin wrapped an arm around yeeun, walking her towards the elevator. haechan followed in after, though he was on the phone now to a manager, talking about the reporter situation currently going on downstairs.

harin and haechan lead yeeun through the hallways until they reached one of the practice rooms. everyone was packing up, yet it all stopped for a second once haechan entered the room again.

"I thought you left..."
mark started, but stopped when harin walked in with yeeun. chenle looked over to the door and saw yeeuns face filled with tears. immediately his bag fell from his hands and he ran across the room to where yeeun was stumbling towards him.

as soon as she was in his arms, she sobbed against his chest. his hand rested on the back of her head, the other on her waist.
"what happened?"
chenle asked in a loud panicked voice. she didn't respond, instead she tried to focus on her shaky breathing. chenle lifted his head from beside hers and looked towards haechan for answers.

"reporters. I think one got in and spoke to her."
a clear look of distaste on his own face as he spoke. chenles hold on her tightened as he lent his head back down to rest closer to hers.

"I... I don't want this chenle.."
yeeun managed to get out as she tried to calm her sobs down. chenle shook his head, gently caressing the back of her head. "I don't want this either, sweetheart."

he pulled away from her, his hands moving to hold her face in between his two hands. he used his thumbs to wipe her tears away.
"I'll do everything I can to protect you."

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