✧ 46

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with the help of the staff that recognised her from the few times she had been to the company, they lead yeeun to the room chenle was practicing his vocals in. he wasn't answering his phone anymore, but he told her to come see him whenever she was free. so she did.

she thanks the staff member as they turned to leave. she took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for other people to be there as well. she pushes open the door and hears his voice loudly before she even saw him. she closed the door behind her and walked in slowly, looking around the corner to where chenle sat on the producer chair, leaning back into it as he sung his line over and over. it was only him in there, his voice echoing through the room.

she grinned and leaned against the wall, smiling over at him before she opened her mouth to speak. "sing for me."

he jumps in surprise, his eyes blown wide and his hand jumps up to hold his chest over his heart. he turned around and looked over at her with his eyes still widened but he smiled at her.

he asked, his smile still playing on his face as he relaxed further into the chair.

"sing for me." she repeats, moving to take a seat on the couch in front of him. he nodded his head, the smile never leaving his face as he turned his chair back to the desk to place his papers back down.

"what song?" he asked, turning his attention back to her, turning the chair so he was fully facing her.

"I don't know... chewing gum?" she jokingly asked, titling her head to the side. his laughter filled the room and he rolled his eyes. "that's such a random song."

she hummed and leaned into the couch, pushing her purse off her lap and onto the cushion beside her. she soon grinned up at him, "fine. sing me puzzle piece."

he too, grinned. he begun singing the song from the start, singing every line perfectly as though it was his solo song, his eyes concentrated on her, every now and then he looked around the room briefly when the eye contact flustered the both of them.

yeeun listened to him carefully, scared to look back at him as her cheeks flushed red. as he sung the second half of the song he leaned forward and tried to look her in her eyes, moving her body to try and see her eyes but she continued to move her face away from her, looking everywhere but him.

eventually he broke into giggles and stopped singing just after the bridge finished.
"you asked me to sing the song, the least you can do is look at me."

"I listened to you."
she defended as she relaxed again into the couch, finally looking back at him. "by the way, you're a really good singer."

"you think so?"

"of course you are! you sound even better live."
chenle looked away, a small smile displayed across his lips as he looked back at the sheet of lyrics for the new song.

"I'm nervous for this song. it has much higher notes than usual." he says, sighing as he looked over the markings that were made over the lyric sheet, eyeing all of the notes he was supposed to hit.

"practice in front of me then."
chenle looked over to her with a single raised eyebrow. he looked back at the paper, spinning the chair to face her, beginning to practice as yeeun listened carefully, encouraging him continuously.

only you - chenleWhere stories live. Discover now