✧ 61

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chenle rushed out with a hood on his head and a mask covering his face. he ran towards the front of the house, followed by jaemin who also hid his identity in a similar manner. chenle rushed to yeeun's side, his hand reaching for her own. she looked up at him and smiled happily when she recognised his disguise.

"che-" yeeun cut herself off and instantly shouted out her new nickname for him. "BABE"
she threw herself into his arms, her arms wrapping around his neck as his wrapped around her waist. he squeezed her tightly before pulling back enough to look at her face. she grinned up at him and took a step back to look back at her friends.

jaemin was helping minhee stand up, she held his arm tightly as she stumbled to a standing position. hyunshik held their waters in his hands and their bags on his shoulder. jeno soon came over to them and greeted hyunshik.

"should we go to our dorm or take you guys home?" jeno asked, to which hyunshik thought for a moment before voicing all of his thoughts out loud.
"minhee lives with her parents so it will be hard to sneak her in without her parents waking up. they wouldn't like to see her really drunk like this, she will need to calm down before we go there. my roommate is probably fucking someone since I wasn't meant to be home until way past midnight and yeeun.. we could go to yeeuns?"

jeno, jaemin and chenle all pause and look at hyunshik with slightly shocked eyes. maybe- never mind the maybe,  it was because he mentioned the topic of fucking so casually. jaemin bit his lips as he looked down and tried to stifle his laugh.

"uh, we can take you all back to our place."
jaemin says, looking back up to see hyunshik also biting his lip as he tried to not laugh. the poor boy had given up trying to seem cool. he wanted to seem like a cool guy to these idols but the second the girls got drunk and yeeun begun texting the groupchat, and he lost minhee in a swarm of party guests, he knew his non-existent reputation was gone.

"let's go before anyone sober sees you guys."
hyunshik said, immediately following after jeno who led them towards the car where their manager waited. he was about to go home when the three boys suddenly asked him to help them pick up some friends, he reluctantly agreed, mainly because he didn't think they were drunk friends.

minhee was mumbling her complaints about being thirsty and wanting her water back to jaemin as he tried to keep from face planting the ground. yeeun was calmly walking beside chenle, every now and then grabbing his hand when she suddenly started to lose balance.

the car ride was quiet the whole way other than yeeun and chenle who were quietly speaking at the back of the car. 
"you feeling better?"
"yeah, just a little tipsy still."
"that's good, babe."

she turned her head to him slowly, glaring in his direction when his lips started to rise into a smile.
"I will not call you babe anymore." she muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes and looking out the window.
"why not? how about you call me love.. or honey."

"I'll call you by your name, zhong chenle."
"Oooooh the full name?" Jaemin said, turning around to face her, completely ignoring chenles annoyed expression.
"yep. the full name." she said, using her shoulder to hit chenles.

"what the hell."
renjun said as he walked into the lounge room just to see a girl passed out on the couch and a boy sitting on the floor playing a game with chenle. he turned his head around to the kitchen where harin, haechan and yeeun were talking to each other.

"are you still drunk yeeun?"
renjun asked, walking up to three. she turned to him and shook her head, smiling at him.
"I'm perfectly fine now. maybe."

"yeah. she threw it all up."
haechan said, smiling at renjun with an innocent gleam, though yeeun's smiled dropped and she eyed haechan.

"is that girl your friend?" renjun asked, looking at yeeun for an answer.
"yeah. her name is minhee."
"and the guy?"

"are they nice?" he said tilting his head to the side. yeeun's lips cracked into a smile.
"why are you interrogating me?"

harin begun to giggle, and walked over to stand next to yeeun. "it's like these two are your parents."

"I thought you and haechan were the parents." renjun questioned, eyeing harin. she shrugged her shoulders and wrapped her arms around yeeuns arm, hugging them.
"you're acting like her mother so you can take my role." she said, leaning her head on yeeuns shoulder.

it was almost 3 am and nearly everyone was still awake. jisung was fast asleep in his room tired from the multiple schedules he had that day, jeno and hajoon had gone to his room to play games on his computer, and jaemin had gone out to buy hangover medicine for the two girls who were sobering up (even though one was fast asleep on the couch).

"when jaemin gets back I think I should take her home.."
yeeun said, looking over to the lounge room where she could see minhee still fast asleep on the couch.

chenle seemed to have overheard the conversation and looked over in her direction.
"stay at my place." he called out to her, already looking in her direction for her reaction.

yeeun had never stayed at chenle's place the whole night, much like he had never stayed the night at hers. she felt flustered trying to come up with a response, she didn't have any reason not to stay at his. brushing her thoughts away, she instead just asked about her friends well-being.
"what about minhee? and hyunshik?"

"we can take minhee to her house, hyunshik to the dorm, and then go to my place?" chenle suggested. hyunshik seemed to agree as he nodded and also looked back at yeeun.

"uber?" yeeun suggested, earning hums of agreement from the two boys in the lounge room. harin let go of yeeuns arm and looked at her, "No! not this late. I'll drive you guys. besides I need to go home anyway."

"leaving already... wow what a great soulmate." haechan muttered jokingly, earning a smack from her.

everyone begun to pack their things up and as soon as jaemin came back and handed the medicines to yeeun, they begun to leave. hyunshik picked up minhee and carried her bridal style out of the dorm, earning multiple cheers and comments on his strength from the boys. he placed her bag on her stomach as he followed behind the three others, who had already begun walking down the hallway.

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