✧ 71

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the manager stopped the car just outside the entrance of the campus. He put the car into park and looked back to jaemin and chenle. Jaemin had his arm wrapped around chenle, hugging him to keep him as calm as possible.

"try to get there quickly."
their manager said, mainly directed to Jaemin who was probably going to end up carrying chenle.

"I'll try."
Jaemin put his hat and hood on, pulling his mask up before helping chenle do the same. he was weak, and extremely tired.

Jaemin opened the door and helped chenle out. he looked around them to see if anyone was looking at them before closing the car door and holding chenle up straight.

"we're almost there."
Jaemin whispered, helping chenle begin to walk.

there was a knock on her door. but yeeun could barely get herself to move. she wanted to cry again. he was right there, but she could get herself to move.

there was another knock and she tried to call out.
"come in.." But it went unheard. she rolled off the bed and fell to her knees, dragging herself towards the door. Suddenly she was grateful for the small dorm rooms.

she reached up to the door handle and opened it enough for jaemin to notice her.
"I was starting to think it was the wrong room."

yeeun shuffled back a bit more, and looked back up to jaemin, chenle was practically limp in his arms,
yeeun said in a quiet voice as jaemin sat chenle down and went to close the door.

chenle smiled at the sight of her and reached for her hand. Jaemin turned around and scoffed, his hands moving to his hips.

"what are you two doing? hug each other!!"
he whisper shouted. chenle immediately leapt forward and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into him as she too hugged him back tightly.

chenle's hands didn't know where to place themselves, he held her waist and then moved his hands to her hair then to her back.

chenle shuffled himself - and her - backwards until he could rest his back onto the wall. he pulled her onto his lap, hugging her tightly as he rest his face in her neck, much like she rested her face on his shoulder.

she felt like she could breath again, everything was calm again and the pain was easing. she let herself fully relax and indulge in the feeling of him.

they stayed silent for a while, so silent that she couldn't help but fall asleep in his arms.

chenle lifted his head slightly and looked over to where jaemin was sat on the floor, his back against the bed as he typed away on his phone.

"jaemin," chenle started, earning the boys attention. he smiled upon seeing the two of them cuddled up like that. it was better to see that than to see his close friend in pain. "thank you."

Jaemin just smiled at him and slowly nodded his head, looking back to his phone as chenle let his head drop back onto her shoulder.

g glitch mode

are they okay?

is my baby yeeun alive and okay

your baby?

they're both okay
they're cuddling in front of me though
I might throw up

yeeun's eyes fluttered open before she closed them again, still half asleep. chenle's hand gently rubbed along her back, forcing her to wake up properly.

"are you awake?"
he whispered quietly. yeeun moved back from him, still sat on his lap as she looked at him. her lips curled up into a smile at the site of him. he smiled too and gently tapped her waist a few times.

"I have to go to the bathroom."
his hand pointing to the bathroom in her room. she laughed and crawled off to sit down on the floor beside him.

chenle stood up and walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. although they were fully back to health, in fact they weren't anywhere close to that yet, they could at least seperate for a few little while without the pain returning.

yeeun turned her attention to jaemin, who was still sitting there on the floor with his back against her bed. he was seemingly playing a game on his phone, but looked away from his phone when he felt her eyes on him.

"how long was I asleep for?"
"about thirty minutes."

he turned his phone off and sat it down on his lap. he wanted to talk to her about it so she could fully calm down about the whole situation."

"the whole exposing thing... It's calmed down a lot. I don't know if you've checked since it first happened, but majority of the comments are positive."

"i mean, I've come to terms with the fact that I'm famous now." jaemin laughed, looking back down into his lap as yeeun cracks a bit of a giggle, "but why? why did it blow up so negatively only to go positive after a few days?"

jaemin shrugged his shoulders. "maybe because people realised that half of nct have soulmates - that they know off." he chuckled, "I think our fandom gets a cleansing every single time it's revealed one of us has a soulmate."

chenle came back into the room and sat back down beside yeeun on the floor. jaemin stood up, putting his phone in his pocket and pulling his mask out.
"well I had a great time sitting on your floor playing games while you two slept," yeeun laughed as her cheeks turned pink. "but I'll get going now."

he turned his attention back to chenle.
"you coming?" chenle shook his head and reached over to grab yeeun's hand. jaemin nodded his head with a smile.

the two stood up and made their way to sit on her bed, which would be much more comfortable than the floor, as jaemin fixed his hat and hoodie

"chenle, we have a practice at five." jaemin says as he puts his mask back on. he turns around and looks at the two who were now sat on her bed. "just text the groupchat if you don't feel up to it."

"thank you jaemin." chenle says sincerely.
"yeah yeah whatever. I know I'm the best."
jaemin said as he opened the door and closed it behind him.

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