✧ 8

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yeeun followed behind haechan, following his lead. chenle walked beside her, the two of them gradually drifted closer together and relished in the feeling of being free of the pain. as they got closer to the huge building, her heart start racing just a bit faster.

is this really happening? the question never left her mind the whole time she was walking with them. to be fair, she never thought that one day she would be around idols like this. then again she also never thought her soulmate would be an idol.

the two boys lead the girl down the side of the building to the other entrance, just in case anyone was waiting for any sm idol to appear. as they approached some guards at the side door, she noticed how she had fallen behind chenle, the two boys walking ahead as she slowly trailed behind.

oh they definitely think I'm a fan following the idols. if only they knew I don't want to be here.

she almost wanted to laugh at how the guards were all suddenly eyeing her. chenle noticed the stares of the guards and looked behind him, noticing the girl slowly walking. he sighed and walked back down towards her.

just as a guard went to stop him from approaching her, he spoke loud enough for all the guards near to hear.
"she's my soulmate."

yeeun smiled politely at the guards before looking at chenle who stood at the bottom of the stairs with his stretched out towards her. she took his hand and he lead her up the stairs, not letting go until they were inside the building.

as they made their way through the building she was introduced to almost all of the guards and a few of the workers who looked at her with curious eyes.

eventually they arrived at a practice room. as the door was pushed open, she could hear the loud talking and laughter die down and without even seeing them she knew everyone was looking at the door.

Haechan entered the room first and said something, though she couldn't hear anything as she was too busy focusing on how she should react to them. do I just introduce myself as soon I walk in? what do I do? I haven't even properly introduced myself to chenle. oops.

chenle walked through and she felt like she should follow behind him. did she? no.

she stood outside the room staring ahead of her at the wall. suddenly someone stepped outside, bringing her out of her thoughts. chenle looked at her with a raised eye brow.
"do you not want to meet them?"

"no, it isn't that." she said quickly, ready to defend herself from seeming rude.

chenle closed the door and leaned against it, not breaking the eye contact they had. it felt so different to hold such intense eye contact with someone when she often times struggled to even look her friends in the eyes.

"what's wrong then?"
he asked, titling his head to side ever so slightly.

"doesn't matter. let's go in."

chenle continued to look at her for a second before standing back up straight and opening the door again.

she took a deep breath in stepped into the large practice room. all eyes drifted towards her as she scanned the room to see who was here. it was only the nct dream members, a few people she didn't know, she assumed they were managers.

everyone greeted her with warm smiles and multiple 'hellos.' chenle closed the door behind them and walked off to grab a bottle of water from the bench.

"what's your name?"
one of the staff members asked from the other side of the room. yeeun felt her heart racing faster, though she tried to keep calm. she was never good at meeting people for the first time but she always tried her best.

the only time she did a bad first meeting was when she met chenle.

"my name is Yeeun. An Yeeun."

"you have a pretty name."
a female suddenly says, making yeeun turn towards her in surprise. the girl walked towards her with an extended hand. "I'm Kim Hajoon. Jeno's soulmate."

yeeun smiled and shook her hand. they exchanged a few words before two other girls came walking over.

"I'm Han Harin. I'm a dancer." she said with a bright smile. Yeeun nodded and offered back a sweet smile but remained silent. Haechan walked over and put an arm around Harin's shoulder.
"and my soulmate."

another girl playfully grabbing onto yeeun's hand and held it in hers.
"I'm Kang Dalrae. I'm only here because Jisung's my soulmate." Dalrae seemed rather outgoing and more playful than Jisung, surprising yeeun with how they were soulmates. perhaps opposites attract.

"does everyone have soulmates?" yeeun asked, looking at hajoon who stood in front of her still.

"No, Only Jeno, Haechan, Jisung and now Chenle. But almost all of the older members have their soulmates."

"Almost all of them.Not mark though, everyone thinks his soulmate is back in canada." Haechan teased, looking back at the older boy who glared at him.

"sorry to disrupt this introduction but we have limited time, I just want to go over some of the dance moves." a male, who yeeun assumed was the dance teacher, called out from the front of the room.

"come sit with us." the girls said and yeeun noticed how dalrae still held her hand as she lead her to the side of the room.

yeeun sat down and suddenly felt the sick feeling arise again. She glanced over to chenle who was on the opposite side of the room, also looking at her.

You're kidding. we can't heal unless he is right next to me?

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