✧ 53

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chenle walks into the nct dream dorm, closing the door behind him before he takes his shoes off and walks towards the lounge room.

they had schedules to attend to in a few hours but everyone wanted to gather and watch a movie that was recently added to netflix. although yeeun was invited, she had declined and explained that she had to study.

"chenle! you should invite yeeun!"
harin says, whipping her head towards chenle after everyone acknowledges his presence. he raises an eyebrow at her, looking towards the others who just looked at him.

"invite her to what?" Chenle asked as he looked at everyone with raised eyebrows.

"to the party the company is holding." Jaemin clarified, showing him his phone screen that showed the text of details sent to the offical nct groupchat.

"ask her to come, it would be great for her to meet everyone else." hajoon said, smiling over at him from where she sat next to jeno.

"Plus I want to see her again." dalrae said, bursting into a huge smile. Jisung shoved her into the pillows on the edge of the couch, making her laugh and look at him, seeing how he was struggling to keep a straight face.

yeeun ☀️

let's go to a party together
it's a party at the company, it's to celebrate something
honestly i have no idea but free food so I'm going

what? right now?

no its in like 2 days

you gave me no time to prepare
what do I wear :(

I only just found out now
if you don't have anything to wear let's go shopping
I'll buy you any dress you want

ok mr rich guy
I have a few dresses I could wear

there isn't really a theme soooo
it's not formal but it is formal at the same time

don't worry I will make sure I look good

you always look good

stop it

stop what sweetheart??


I'll pick you up on the day then

could you come to my room before we go though?


just to make sure my outfit is good

anything you wear will be good
you could wear jeans and a random shirt
and you could make it look good


are you blushing


mmmmm sure

is it your goal to make me blush or something

i like your reactions
you try to act like I can't see your face turning red
but I'm not lying
you always look good

thank you
you always look good too


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