✧ 22

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she knocked on his door as she pulled her bottom lip in-between her teeth. she wasn't even sure if he was home but it was worth a try. it was around 5pm and they hadn't seen each other for almost three days, he had some important schedules and she claimed that they would be fine to not see each other for an extra day.

she was wrong.

slowly the door opened and revealed a shocked, but never the less a happy, chenle. she weakly smiled at him, suddenly realising she shouldn't have surprised him like this. they weren't exactly that close that you just show up randomly.
"I'm sorry, I should've messaged you-"

"it's okay, come in." He said pushing the door open wider and letting her step inside. as he closed the door behind her she took her shoes off and looked around, meeting the gaze of haechan who was sat on the couch.

"hey yeeun. I didn't expect you to come here." haechan said with a warm smile growing on his lips.

"hey... yeah.. sorry I didn't mean to show up unannounced-"
"it's okay yeeun, don't worry." chenle said, cutting her off. she turned to him and saw how he smiled at her. perhaps he didn't mind.

they eventually all found themselves sat on the couch. yeeun on one side, chenle in the middle and haechan on the other side. as haechan took control of the remote and flicked through all the movie options, yeeun mindlessly stared ahead at the wall. that was until suddenly chenle was shoved into the side of her.

chenle quickly apologised and tried to shove haechan's foot, the culprit, off the couch, but he continued to push chenle against her with a smirk on his lips.

"why? you're soulmates being this close shouldn't be a problem."

"you're gonna cause her to get hurt haechan!move your foot!" yeeun was unable to hide her laugh as haechan stuck his tongue out at chenle and continued to keep chenle stuck to her side.

"see she's laughing!! she isn't in any pain!"

how could she be? her soulmate was pressed right against her body. the bond between them was clearly tightening with how she didn't feel much of the pain despite being pushed into the couch, her mind being occupied with the fact that her soulmate was so close to her.

eventually haechan stopped and chenle moved away from her a bit to give her space but he couldn't move far. haechan kept his feet on the couch, refusing to move them as he complained that his feet needed to relax after all that.

so as the movie haechan picked out started, chenle and yeeun sat up straight and tried to not move as any kind of movement would make them accidentally touch.

though as the movie went on, she found it so boring that she eventually became tired, unaware of the fact that the boy next to her was also starting to close his eyes and lean back onto the couch.

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