✧ 6

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she opened her eyes and immediately felt a pain strike through her body. the pain felt overwhelming as it was reaching eight days since she saw her soulmate, chenle. four more days and she would be clinging to life, so she's been told.

she pushed her blankets off her and sat up. she looked straight ahead to where minhee's bed was, yet it was made perfectly as minhee hasn't slept over since yeeun found out who her soulmate was.

with a groan, she managed to push herself out of the bed and drag her feet towards the bathroom. she leaned her hands onto the sink and looked up at herself in the mirror. she looked dead, worse than a few days ago.

she rolled her eyes at her living dead state and opened the cabinet, where the small box of medicine she brought the other day rested. She picked it up and opened it, unfortunately a curse immediately left her mouth as she cut her finger on the packaging.

she ignored the cut and pulled out the medicine, to be met with no more medicine.

in a fit of anger, and the fact that she felt absolutely horrible and close to a breaking point, she threw the box to the bathroom floor and made her way back to the room. she flung her cupboard doors open and grabbed some pants and random t-shirt. she got dressed, put shoes on and grabbed her phone.

she left the dorm and with each step she felt like throwing up. she didn't feel close to death but she felt like if she wakes up tomorrow, it would be her last day. the sun hid behind the clouds her whole walk to the store, only worsening her mood. she felt incredibly mean when she couldn't even bring herself to even smile at those who greeted her.

she pushed the doors to the convenience store open and was greeted by the worker who seemed half asleep. though to be fair the store just opened and it was roughly 7:30am.

yeeun made her way to medicine section and saw two people standing there, both wearing hoods and one of them looked hunched over. 'same' she thought to herself as she approached behind them. the closer she got, the weirder she felt, until suddenly the hunched over person turned around quickly, surprising yeeun.

"you're here." Chenle said breathless. the air was knocked out of her from how much relief she felt just by making eye contact with the boy. haechan turned around and saw her, his own eyes widening.

"are you yeeun?"
she nodded slowly, scared if she moved too much she would feel unwell again. haechan pushes chenle to step closer, and as he did the burn in her ankle became stronger, along with the slight feeling of relief washing over her.

do I take the medicine and leave?
she knew it was dumb to even consider that option as she felt like she was dying mere seconds ago but the thought of having him as her soulmate still couldn't wrap around her head.

do I stay with him until I feel better?
her logical side seemed to wake up but she didn't move to make any decision. chenle took a step closer, his hand slowly reached over to her own hand. his hand delicately grabbing hers and holding it gently.

the burn in their ankles felt like it became more intense but it also felt like it was no longer burning. She glanced down to where he held her hand gently in his hand.

"please don't leave."
she looked up to meet his eyes.
"I know this isn't ideal for you.. But it hurts both of us the longer you avoid me."

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