✧ 54

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it was 6am when chenle's manager parked the car across the road from the college campus. nobody was out except a few of the students who had early classes. chenle put his mask on, quickly asking the manager if he was too recognisable. even though the manager knew very well that if a fan saw him, they would recognise him, he also knew that chenle was still going to go. he sighed and told chenle to be quick and keep his head down.

unfortunately, chenle forgot to bring a hat or a jacket to cover this head. he was ready for the party, and that was it.

the party wasn't even until the late afternoon but yeeun claimed it would be too risky for him to go to the campus during the day. so they opted to getting ready early morning and then going to the dream dorm to wait until the party.

chenle walked at a fast pace through the campus until he reached the dorm building. there was no one around, other than a few people that seemed too busy talking to their friends or they were on their phone. he opened the glass doors and walked through the hallways and up the stairs until he made his way to her door.

he knocked lightly at the door, slightly scared he wasn't at the right door, but to his luck, he was. she opened the door, and pulled him inside instantly.

he took his mask off and turned around to face her. his jaw dropped as he finally looked at her. she was in a black silk dress, and had her hair currently in a messy pony tail as she seemed like she was half way through her make up.

"wow." he stutters out, eyeing her up and down as she stands there with a smile.
"is this okay?"
she asks in a quiet voice. her hands coming up to flatten the fabric of her dress.

he chuckles under his breath, a sweet smile never leaving his face as he reached for her hand. he held her hand between the two of them, nodding his head. "you look beautiful."

she looks up at him, her smile widening as she notices just how happy he seemed. she slowly let go of his hand and made her way back to her desk, sitting in the chair and continuing to do her make up.

chenle sat down on her bed, looking at her as she got ready. she finished her make up and moved onto fixing her hair. she brushed it out and turned around to face chenle.

"should I do a bun or just keep it down?"
even though he was looking directly at her, she could tell he wasn't listening one bit. she lifted her hand and slapped his leg, watching how his eyes widened in surprise.
"I asked a question, mr zhong."

"uhhh.. a low bun would look nice." he said after eyeing her for a bit longer. she hummed to herself, pleased with his answer.
"that's what I thought too. glad you agree."

"you're so pretty." he muttered out, mostly to himself, though she heard him loud and clear. she blushed at his words and froze her hand, looking down to hold back the smile making its way onto her face.

"you're so cute too." he said, reaching over to pinch her cheek. she rolled her eyes and turned towards him.

"stop complimenting me."
he closed his eyes and shook his head aggressively with a teasing grin on his lips. "never."

he eventually left her alone and played on his phone as she went to the bathroom and made some finishing touches to her make up and outfit. within ten minutes she came back out, standing there while holding her heels in one hand and a purse in the other.

"so this is okay?"
she asked, grabbing his attention away from his phone. he couldn't even try to hide the smile from his face, as he put his phone down and stood up. he walked over to her and only stopped when he was right in front of her. his hand comes up to brush some of her loose hairs behind her ear, his movements so slow and delicate with her. his hand came back down to his side.
"you're always pretty, but you look stunning right now sweetheart. so don't worry."

she breaks out into a gleeful smile, cheeks turning pink at his compliment. his eyes glance down to her lips, though he can't even process his thoughts before she moves away to grab some things to put into her purse.

chenle moves away and picks up his phone and mask, putting his mask back on. he waits by the door as she puts her heels on. she stands up straight and fixes her hair in the mirror quickly before turning towards him.

"let's go then." she says, walking up to him. he extends his hand towards her and she instantly wraps her hand around his, the two of them quickly trying to make their way out of the dorm building without being seen.

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