✧ 18

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she finished enough work for that day so they sat on the couch, both sitting on opposite ends while chenle looked through his netflix on the television and began giving her his ratings and feelings about everything he has watched.

"you've watched a lot of shows." she said after he went through only half of his watched list so far.

"I'm surprised you haven't watched half of these. they're all so popular." he said, remembering how shocked he was when she said she hadn't seen his favourite show. mentally taking note to make her watch it one day.

"not my style." she said, shrugging her shoulders. chenle grinned as he clicked on another show to talk about next, turning his attention towards her.
"well they're going to become your style."

"why?" she asked, turning to look at him.

"every time you come over I'll put one of these shows on." she rolled her eyes at him and looked back at the television with a small smile creeping up onto her lips.

just as chenle was about to say something the front door unlocked and the two of them immediately looked over. a lady, yeeun can only presume to be his mother, walked in with a suitcase.

"Chenle? are you here?" she said, not yet having looked up as she took her shoes off. chenle muttered a yeah quietly, though he was just shocked that his mother was here.

his mother looked up with a smile, though upon seeing yeeun her jaw dropped and eyes widened.
"oh? who's this?"
she asked, her smile coming back even brighter as she saw her son becoming flustered by the situation.

"this is my soulmate, yeeun."

"ahhh yes An Yeeun. he's told me so much about you!" she dropped her suitcase off in front of the one of the rooms and walked over towards yeeun. yeeun felt her face growing a bit red from the situation. she didn't plan to meet anyone from his family like this.

"you're so pretty darling! he's been nice to you, right?" yeeun can only nod with a flustered smile as she tried to process this situation, she was planning to leave in a few minutes as it was getting late and suddenly she was meeting his mother.

"Yeeun, this is my mother." chenle said standing up, to which yeeun quickly followed in suit.

"it's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs Zhong." she said extending her hand. His mother took it into her own hand and held it tightly. "it's a pleasure to meet you too, yeeun darling."

she leaned in closer towards yeeun's ear whispering quietly so her son doesn't hear, "make sure you keep him out of trouble, yeah?" she laughed shortly after making yeeun feel the need to giggle too, but she still nodded her head.

they exchanged a small conversation before chenle checked the time and to his surprise it was almost dinner time. he didn't even realise yeeun had been there practically all day.

yeeun seemed to notice as well and began to get ready to leave. she said her goodbyes to his mother, even being hugged tightly by her, promising to see her again soon.

she put her shoes on and just as she was about to say goodbye to chenle who was waiting by her side, he suddenly left. she stood there confused for a moment until he came back holding something.

"can't forget them again." he passed her the headphones she left last time and she took them back and put them into her bag, then she looked up at him. he realised how she was smiling at him, it seemed so different from the other times she smiled. so much more genuine. Like she was genuinely happy and not just smiling because it's polite. it made his heart flutter just a bit.

that's not me. he thought. that's the soulmate connection, that's not me.

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